Wedding Bells

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This one is based off of one part in a story that spideymanandloki and I wrote, one part that made me cry like a baby.

Edit: I've gotten a lot of death threats over this, so here's a warning that it is quite sad; also a Friendly Reminder to keep your death threats to a dull roar because I'm a writer; if I'm not tugging your heartstrings I'm not doing it right. :) Sorry!


Steve stands nervously in front of the full-length mirror, fiddling with his suit. Natasha stands behind him, smiling at the super soldier.

"You seem nervous," she comments, smoothing the fabric on his shoulders. He smiles a little and glances back at her.

"You think?" He breathes and she smiles. Steve Rogers was finally tying the knot and Natasha couldn't be happier for him. She was also extremely happy for who he was marrying, his boyfriend, and long time best friend, Bucky Barnes.

"I think Bucky's gonna flip when he sees you," she praises. Steve smiles and looks down, his cheeks heating up. "Look at my boys, growing up so fast."

"Natasha." Steve shakes his head at her, and her smile grows.

"You gonna be fine getting ready?" She asks and he nods, touching up his hair a little. She stands on her toes to reach his head and fixes his hair, ruffling it up.

"I should be. Thanks," Steve says once she's pulled back and Nat smiles. She kisses his cheek.

"I'll be out here to walk you out, okay?"

"Okay," he agrees, she nods before backing out and leaving him alone. He slowly lets out a breath. He mentally went over his lines he was going to say as he finished touching up, he wanted to look good for his perfect man. He smiles softly when he thinks about Bucky, how beautiful he'd look. He felt lucky thinking that he was going to marry such a man, his best friend.


Bucky fiddles with his left sleeve and swallows thickly, he huffs out a quick breath. He was absolutely terrified. Yes, he wanted so badly to marry Steve, but he was so scared, what if Steve changed his mind? What if it gets delayed or he messes something up? He wouldn't be able to manage.

"Hey, you alright, man?" Sam asks, placing a hand on his shoulder. Bucky breathes out and glances over, he smiles gently.

"Little scared," he admits, running his hand through his hair. He was going to leave it down; he couldn't stand having it up.

"It's gonna be fine, Bucky," Sam assures, giving his shoulder a squeeze before dropping his hand. "Steve's a lucky man," he adds and Bucky shakes his head, smiling a little, looking down.

"Thanks," he sighs and Sam nods. Bells start to chime and Sam looks at the clock on the wall.

"Best get out there. It'd be a shame for Steve to come down that aisle to find nobody waitin' there."

"Okay. I look alright?" Bucky checks, spreading his arms out. He opted for a white suit while Steve's was black. Sam nods firmly.

"You look great, man," he agrees. "You know where I'll be?"

"My best man? Of course I do," Bucky snorts and Sam smiles.

"Alright. See you out there," he chimes before waving a hand and walking out, closing the door gently behind him. Bucky closes his eyes and swallows then opens them again.

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