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Bucky sits silently in his hospital bed, fiddling with his hands and keeping his gaze downcast. He was alone at the moment and all he heard was murmuring of patients and doctors outside his room and the occasional beeping of his heart monitor. He looks up when the door opens but he doesn't say anything right away.

"Mr. Barnes? Do you have any contacts we'd be able to reach?" The doctor asks as he walks to the edge of the bed, holding a clipboard in one hand. The brunette nods.

"My boyfriend," he says in a hoarse voice. He swallows as the doctor nods to himself and scribbles something down on his board. "His name's Steve Rogers."

"Okay, Mr. Barnes, now you just relax while we fetch him," the doctor soothes, managing a small smile before walking back out. The brunette leans back and stares up at the ceiling then blows out a breath.

He'd gotten into a car accident, a pretty nasty one, and he was amazed he got away almost unscathed. Well, almost unscathed, save for his legs. They were both broken beyond much repair. His ankles had been smashed in several places, his left knee had shattered and a piece of metal had stabbed through to the bone. Several tendons in his right leg had been torn.
It'd been a snowy night out and he'd been heading home from work, he always got off three hours earlier than Steve. A mother and her daughter had been crossing the street and he tried to stop; his tires slid and he'd had to swerve to avoid them. He jerked the car off the road and full on rammed into a road barrier. His car was old, on the end of its road, and the front had crumpled inwards very suddenly. Pieces of the broken car came back and well... there went his walking abilities.

It was a shame because he loved to dance. He'd never admit it to anyone, except Steve, and they used to dance around their place all the time.

He sighs and brushes his hair out of his face before closing his eyes. The door opens again but he doesn't bother looking up, assuming it was the doctor once again.

"Oh, God. Buck?" A voice said worriedly and he opened his eyes to see Steve standing there. He was well built, had messy blonde hair and light blue eyes.

"Hey," he says and swallows again, waving slightly. Steve goes to his side and lowers himself into the seat beside the hospital bed.

"What happened? Are you okay? How're you feeling?" He asks quickly and Bucky sighs and puts a hand up.

"I-I'm feeling..." he feels the word fine forming on his lips, but he meets Steve's concerned gaze and sighs again. "Physically pretty sore."

"What happened?" Steve repeats, brushing the brunette's hair out of his face. Bucky takes a breath before explaining, trying not to think about the pain, the shock, the fear he'd felt in that wreckage. He took Steve's hand when explaining the difficult to talk about parts, the painful ones.

"I didn't- I was stupid," Bucky mumbles once he's finished and the blonde shakes his head.

"Don't say that, you weren't stupid," he sighs, holding his hand gently. Bucky scoffs a little.

"I was stupid! If I'd been looking where I was going maybe I'd still be able to walk right now, but I can't," he says, blinking back forming tears. He wouldn't be able to walk ever again, unless a miracle happened, and Bucky didn't believe in miracles. "I won't be able to walk again," He mutters, looking back down at his lap and blinking hard. He was not about to cry.

"Won't be able to walk?" Steve repeats quietly and Bucky swallows the lump in his throat.

"Nope," he shakes his head and takes a breath before slowly blowing it out. "Not anymore."

"Buck," Steve says softly, he wasn't even sure what he was supposed to say. Bucky looks up at him and forces a small smile and a shrug.

"S'okay, I'll just have to-" he cuts himself short and squeezes the blonde's hand. Steve smoothes his hair back and kisses his forehead. Bucky leans into his hand and closes his eyes. Steve stayed with him for hours, and Bucky was so thankful to have him.

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