I [Loved] You

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This has been a request on behalf of wondieland.


Bucky looks in the mirror and blows out a nervous breath. He cautiously recombs his hair down and fixes his cufflinks.

Today was the big day. He was not ready.

It was down the street from their old apartment, actually - the venue was an old building, with brickwork and beautiful paintings along one of the walls. Well, graffiti, but Steve and Bucky had grown up there; where was a better place to get married?

Bucky paces in front of the mirror, back and forth, and Sam perches on the bed and watches. "Dude, you're getting me dizzy."

"Sam -- " Bucky runs his hands down his face, his anxiety jumping. "What if I ruin the whole thing? I want today to go perfectly," he stresses, stopping to look at him. Sam gives him a patient smile.

"It will. Steve loves you, you love him, it'll be okay," he soothes. Bucky rubs his right wrist with his metal hand, the metal grooves causing scratch marks to appear on his flesh arm. Sam catches his hand.

"What if -- what if -- "

"Hey," he says calmly. "It's gonna be fine. I promise."

"Right." Bucky nods quickly, still looking distracted. Sam eyes his suit and smoothes his hands over the material, fixing the creases.

"You love him. Right?" Sam looks him in the eye. Bucky nods, still looking fearful.

"I do," he agrees.

"Okay. And he loves you," he adds. "What was that old saying again? With you before the finish -- "

"With you 'til the end of the line," Bucky says softly, finally able to calm himself down some. "He promised," he murmurs and manages to smile up at Sam. "Okay."

"Okay." Sam grins and slaps him on the arm, and Bucky smiles back. "Let's get you married."


He had never liked being surrounded by people, but he tried to ignore it, at least for Steve's sake.

He can't help but smile in relief as Steve comes walking down the aisle, looking down, his cheeks red. Many jokes were made about who wore the pants in the relationship, but the couple laughed along and ignored it.

They were happy, right?

Natasha beams proudly from the sidelines, her eyes getting misty. "Aww, is Romanoff crying?" Clint leans in and makes a dramatic pouty face. She smacks his arm and rolls her eyes, discreetly wiping tears away. She couldn't help but feel happy for them; they were family, after all.

Bruce squeezes her hand as he watches the ceremony begin.

"Hi," Bucky says softly and Steve smiles a little, nervously biting his lip. It doesn't bother Bucky, though; nerves were a good sign. "You good, doll?"

Steve doesn't reply verbally but manages a small smile, briefly making eye contact.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to combine these two men in holy matrimony. Best friends since childhood, Steven Grant Rogers--" A nod towards him, "--and James Buchanan Barnes--" Another nod his way, "--were inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield."

Bucky watches Steve quietly, at his mannerisms. He couldn't stop fidgeting, especially with his right hand, which Bucky was holding with his left. "You sure?" he murmurs as he leans closer, so only Steve can hear.

"Mm." Steve only makes a hum of acknowledgement and Bucky pulls back a little and pays attention to the priest. That was okay - nerves were normal. Steve still loved him, he knew that. So he leaves him to collect his thoughts until the rings are exchanged and vows begin.

"Bucky... You've been there since day one, and I could've always relied on you. You were funny, smart, talented, and my best guy. Every day I wake up and think, 'he's still there. He's still in there', and... I don't know what to say," he chuckles nervously. Bucky smiles and gives his hand a quick squeeze. "Bucky Barnes... was the greatest guy I knew."

Confusion flickers across Bucky's face, and a soft murmur ripples through the crowd. Steve looks up, now looking apologetic.

"I'm sorry. But I can't... I can't love a monster."

Bucky's heart drops into his stomach and he takes a weak step back, eyes wide as he stares at the blond. No. Not my Stevie, please.

"S-Steve?" he whimpers, and suddenly he doesn't know a thing about him. Growing up together and living through Hell only proved that Bucky was the monster he feared he was. "You -- you always said -- "

"I can't... be with you, Bucky."

"Steve -- please -- " His lip trembles; he refuses to cry. "What happened to until the end of the line?"

"We've reached it," he says in a quiet voice. Bucky shakes his head, frantically searching his face for an answer. Maybe Tony set up a camera and was about to jump out, shouting in triumph over his prank. Or maybe Steve would start laughing and Bucky would smack him for scaring the crap out of him, they would get married and finally, finally be happy.

But Steve doesn't move, and it's only he and Bucky as the world swirls around them. Then Steve's taking a step back, nervously glancing down at his metal arm.

I can't love a monster.

I can't be with you.


"Why?" Bucky croaks, and then the tears are making tracks down his cheeks. Steve shakes his head, and besides from looking uncomfortable with all the commotion, he doesn't seem all too bothered.

"You almost killed me, okay? You almost killed Tony, and Nat... why would I give you another chance to do it again? If you hadn't fallen, then maybe, but -- "

Bucky takes another step back, shaking his head fervently. "No, no, you told me -- it wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault!"

Steve looks at him quietly, before nodding and glancing away. "Okay. Keep telling yourself that." And with that, he's walking away, and Bucky's world crumbles.

He slumps to the ground and the crowd -- whoever hasn't left, so the Avengers -- can only stare in shock for a moment.

Sam runs to Bucky's side and holds him while he sobs. Tony stares at the retreating figure of Steve and chases after him, about to give him a piece of his mind.

"Why?" Bucky chokes as he buries his face against Sam's shoulder, and Sam shushes him quietly, rubbing his back. He cries for hours, heartbroken, and Sam stays his rock for longer than that.

It was the end of the line for them.


So. This was, in fact, a request, so... be gentle with your hate comments.

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