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Bucky picks up his book and sprawls out on the floor by the roaring fire, sighing a little. He'd read this book 'Romeo and Juliet' several times over. His metal arm whirs and clicks into place, shining by the light of the fire which cast shadows on his sharp cheekbones. Bucky was a handsome man, no doubt; he already had a boyfriend.

Speaking of who, his boyfriend Steve saunters through the front door, his large, muscular arms fulled with bags and bags of groceries.

"I'm back." Steve chimes, closing the door behind him with his foot. Bucky looks up quietly from his book.

"I'm reading and you're loud." Bucky points out, raising an eyebrow at him. Steve sticks his tongue out and Bucky smirks a little to himself, turning back to his book. The blonde puts the bags down and starts putting away the food in the fridge and pantry. Bucky yawns a little and closes his book, rolling over to face the fire. He closes his eyes and sighs deeply, the heat warm on his face.

Steve finishes up and comes over, he sits down and wordlessly the brunette crawls into his lap and curls up there. He was just smaller than Steve to be able to fit perfectly against him. He rests his head on Steve's shoulder, against his neck, and yawns a little. Steve wraps his arms around his middle and Bucky purrs softly at the added warmth the blonde brought with him.

"You're so warm, it's not fair." Bucky mumbles, shifting a little and burying his face into the blonde's neck. Steve merely shrugs a little, he kisses his cheek. Bucky was always a little jealous of his warmth, simply because he himself was usually cold. But luckily, Steve liked to share.

The brunette's left shoulder twinges a little and he shifts a little in response, then it twinges again and he frowns slightly. Bucky pulls out of Steve's embrace a little then gets up.

"Washroom." He says in way of explanation when Steve looks up at him. The blonde nods and Bucky makes his way to the closest washroom and locks himself in.

Sometimes he got phantom pains in his left arm, little twitches here and there, but it never grew, as it was now. And it was growing, the pain this is; his left shoulder (or whatever was left of it) was starting to ache a great deal more than before.

In one swift movement Bucky pulls his shirt off and examines his arm, twisting his torso and looking in the mirror. He runs his fingers over the scar tissue connecting his left arm to the rest of his body and swallows thickly. He looks at it all around in the mirror, frowning, gritting his teeth when the pain grows more and more. Then suddenly, it starts to fade away, and Bucky swallows again.

A knock on the door and Bucky flinches, he grabs his long sleeve black shirt and yanks it on, smoothing his hair back before unlocking the door.

"You done?" Steve asks and Bucky shoves the anxiety that'd been rising down where it belonged; he manages to raise an eyebrow and he folds his arms across his chest.

"Why?" He hums, looking at him. Steve rolls his eyes.

"One guess." He replies and Bucky smirks a little, stepping aside as Steve steps in. He sighs and shakes his head a little as he goes and sits on the couch, thinking about what'd just happened to him.


The next noticeable time it happened it was worse, because this time it wasn't only in his arm, but his head. He and Steve were out for the day; going to the park, eating ice cream, typical stuff.

Steve lies down on the grass at the park, stretching out. Bucky smiles and lies slightly beside him by mostly on him, his head resting on the blonde's stomach. The pair were cloud gazing and Steve had just pointed out a duck that reminded him of Fury when Bucky tensed a little. He hadn't yet told Steve about the whole thing, he didn't want to worry him at all.

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