Number Thirty-Four: Seaside Resort

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"It's not much, but everywhere else was closed. Sorry, baby," Steve sighs, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's perfect, Steve," Bucky assures, laying his cool metal hand on Steve's arm. The newlyweds, a.k.a. Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, were on their two week honeymoon. Steve had found the place. It was difficult because everything had already been booked, it was the middle of the summer.

"You sure? The cabin's a little small-" he continues but Bucky shushes him.

"It's perfect. You worry too much," Bucky repeats and the blonde smiles apologetically. They walk to their beachside cabin, part of the initial beachside resort.


"C'mon, punk, nobody's gonna care if they see Captain America in swimming shorts!" Bucky calls back into the cabin, waiting impatiently to go swimming.

"I'm finding some towels, jerk!" Steve calls back and Bucky smirks, rolling his eyes. A couple walks by in matching track wear suits.

"Friend taking forever?" The woman hums, the wrinkles around her eyes tighten as she smiles.

"Husband, actually. We're headed down to the beach- if he could move his a** faster than a constipated snail!" He yells the last part towards the cabin and the couple look horrified. They were about seventy years old.

"Watch your language, boy," the man thunders in a low, grumbling voice.

"I'm ninety-six," he replies in a bored voice and Steve comes out.

"Buck, I'm ready. He hasn't been bothering you, has he?" Steve asks the couple, giving Bucky a glance. The brunette shrugs at him.

"Why- no, no. Enjoy yourselves. Good day," the woman says hurriedly before the couple start fast-walking down the path. Steve shoots Bucky a look and the brunette shrugs innocently.


"They had that 'I just met Bucky Barnes and he did something' look on their face."

"That's not a look, Steve."

"It is so."

"You made it up, I'm not stupid."

"Shush, I didn't make it up."

"You didn't agree that I'm not stupid, Steve. Why did you not say I wasn't stupid?" Bucky presses and the blonde merely links their hands.

"You're not stupid, sweetheart," he assures and Bucky scoffs, they start walking down to the beach.

"You always have to sway me with words of affection?" He pouts up at the blonde.

"Yes, dear," the blonde hums and Bucky rolls his eyes. He leans up and kisses the blonde then tugs on his bottom lip slightly with his teeth.

"Buck," Steve grumbles as they step onto the sand. Bucky smirks and tugs a little more before letting go.

"Steve," he mimics and the blonde rolls his eyes, smirking a little.

They make it down to the water's edge and go for a swim. Bucky pushes Steve in and starts laughing, until Steve pulls the brunette in.

"Foul play," Bucky gasps, flicking his hair off his face.

"Oh, it's fair play, all right," Steve purrs and Bucky pouts.

"Fine. Then so is this," Bucky says before tickling him. Steve bursts out laughing and Bucky smiles, the blonde was laughing so hard.

"Do I win?" Bucky asks when he pauses, the blonde clutching his middle and gasping for breath.

"Never," the blonde challenges then tackles Bucky and tickles him back. The brunette shrieks and squirms, laughing loudly.

"Okay, okay, you win!" He pants, holding his ribs and the blonde smirks.

"Just kidding, I win," Bucky whispers. Steve stands up and stretches.

"Whatever. I'm going back on shore where it's dry," Steve says and the brunette nods. He grabs Steve's hand and pulls himself up.

Steve wraps a towel around Bucky's shoulders after they're out and the brunette smiles.

"Thanks, babe," he yawns then sits on the soft sand. Steve joins him and the brunette lays across him.

"Don't fall asleep," Steve cautions and Bucky nods.

"Sir, yes, sir," he retorts and snuggles up against the warm blonde. Steve plays with Bucky's hair for a little while and the brunette dozes off.

"Bucky, we should head back soon," Steve muses, looking at the sinking sun. The brunette doesn't stir and Steve looks at his face. His eyes were closed, he was asleep and seemed peaceful. Steve smiles a little before picking up his husband and carrying him back to their place.

"Why's it so cold?" Bucky mumbles when he wakes, his hair was plastered to his face.

"You're still wet," the blonde replies and Bucky nods a little. He shuffles off to get into pajamas while Steve gets something for them to eat. After their dinner they huddle by the fireplace and watch some movie on Steve's phone. They weren't really paying attention to it, though.

"I love you," Bucky says quietly, glancing up at the blonde.

"I love you too, baby," Steve assures, the brunette leans into him and smiles when the blonde plays with his hair. All in all, it was a pretty good first day of their honeymoon.

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