Just Friends

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"Hey, I brought food," Steve calls and Bucky pokes his head out of the bedroom.

"Hallelujah," he declares, trotting over and taking the bag from his arms. He digs through it eagerly, searching for some food. Steve steps into their small, shabby room.

He and his friend Bucky shared an apartment. It was in poor shape; the taps were drippy all the time, there was rarely any hot water, they could barely afford anything and they had to share a small bed. It was a tight fit, especially with them -- they were both in fairly good shape -- but they made it work.

"Right, I'm gonna shower," Steve muses and Bucky looks at him and wiggles his eyebrows. "And no, you may not come in," he quips and Bucky pouts.

"Spoilsport," he teases and Steve rolls his eyes. They often joked around like that. "Save me some hot water," he continues. Steve gives his head a nod before closing the door behind him. Bucky flops onto the couch and it creaks beneath him, then a spring pokes up through the fabric. The brunette flicks it and huffs.

"We need a new couch," he calls.

"We need a new everything," Steve replies before the water starts running and Bucky sighs to himself. It was very true.

He flicks through the channels on their small tv, which often showed no picture at all, but springs to his feet when he hears Steve let out a manly high-pitched yelp.

"It's freezing!" Steve yelps, poking his soaking wet head out.

"Heater's down again, I guess," Bucky sighs and Steve grumbles, running a hand over his wet hair. Bucky quietly looks him over then clears his throat and steps into the kitchen and leans against the counter.

"We'll just have to deal with the cold water," Steve sighs and Bucky nods.


They couldn't afford to hire someone to fix it, so they just dealt with it however they could. They both agreed showering together was a no - it's not like they were totally gay or anything. So they just accepted the cold, though they really hated it.

Bucky dries himself off and pulls on the softest, warmest pajamas he owns, then shuffles towards their room. It was late at night already and Steve was already in bed.

"Move over, I'm frozen," he huffs and Steve scooches over as far as he can without falling off the bed. Bucky crawls in and sinks beneath the comforter, sighing in relief. Steve gets himself comfortable and they end up almost spooning, Bucky's back pressed up against Steve's chest. Though, this was normal for them both.

"'Night, Punk," Bucky yawns, closing his eyes. They had specific nicknames for one another.

"G'Night, Jerk."


"Get your butt up, we are going to dinner," Bucky announces and Steve raises his head from his sketchbook and furrows his eyebrows.


"Because I got myself a job and we're gonna celebrate. Duh," Bucky replies and Steve smirks and swings himself up.

"Sounds fair."

They arrived half an hour later to the least romantic restaurant they had ever been to: McDonald's. They didn't dress fancy, but ordered a bunch of food and Bucky explained that the reason was because now he could support them, which he felt proud of. And Steve, of course, was proud of him.

"So you sure everything's fine with you?" Steve checks once more. He asked once or twice every month. Bucky rolls his eyes and looks over at him.

"It's all good. I got my pal, got a job, we got food. I'm all good," he assures once more. As long as they were together, Bucky thought, he was good wherever they were.

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