Straight Up, I'm Not

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Steve was going to do it. He was going to find a way to tell Bucky how gay he was for him.

It was really super gay.

He paces around the living room nervously, wringing his hands. He was waiting for the brunet to show up. Steve was determined.

He'd had a crush on Bucky for years. Bucky was amazing, and didn't see it, but Steve did. It was the way his eyes lit up whenever he got excited, the way when he was bored he would hum pointless tunes to himself, the way he looked - Bucky was gorgeous, and Steve's heart beat a little faster every time he looked at him.

He had to tell him.

"Hey, Steve," Bucky speaks as he steps in. Steve takes a quiet, steadying breath and turns to him, the words he wanted to say on the tip of his tongue. He looks him in the eyes, and his words die in his throat.

He wasn't prepared at all.

He clears his throat a little and puts his hands in his pockets. "Hey," he says back before too much time passes. Bucky gives him a small grin, raising his eyebrows, silently asking what's up.

"So, uh, I wanted to tell you something," Steve says and Bucky waits, his hands on his hips.


"All right. So..." he trails off again, trying to think of how he wants to word this. Bucky waits patiently, watching him. The attention wasn't helping in the least.

"You okay?" Bucky asks after a moment, quickly catching on that something feels wrong. Steve nods and sends him a brief smile.

"Mhmm. All right, I'll just... get right to it then," he says awkwardly, his cheeks starting to warm up. "We've known each other for a long time. Right? I figured I had to tell you that I am -- "

"You aren't dying, are you?" Bucky narrows his eyes, suddenly worried.

"What? No, no, I'm not dying," Steve rushes in and Bucky relaxes his posture.

"Okay, good," Bucky sighs. "So is anything wrong?"

Steve puffs out a quick breath. "It's all good," he assures. Bucky gestures for him to go on. "I just wanted to say that..." He goes redder. "God, I can't do this," he breathes, rubbing his face, and Bucky steps closer.

"Just spit it out," he says patiently.

"I wish I could be straight with you, but I'm not," Steve mutters, frustrated with himself.

Bucky pauses. "What are you saying?"

Steve was going to go for it. He takes a breath.

"I'm gay, Buck, I am so... really gay," Steve speaks, his words tumbling out, completely uncensored. "And I really really like you, and I can't use words properly, but I'm gay, and... and that's all I've got," he finishes, his voice getting quieter and quieter. He stands frozen with fear, ice shooting through his veins.

Bucky simply stares at him. It was the longest ten seconds of Steve's life while he waited for an answer.

"Oh," Bucky breathes. "That's it?"

"That - that's it?" Steve repeats, staring at him.

"I thought it was something serious. God, you gave me a heart attack," Bucky laughs and Steve continues to stare, confused. "I don't mind that you like me, Steve, because I like you too."

Steve was speechless. "You what?"

Bucky shrugs. "I'm demisexual."

Steve's heart skips a beat, finally registering that Bucky actually likes him back.

Bucky smiles a little, taking another small step forward. He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah, um, Natasha told me what it meant, and that's what I identify as."

Steve nods mutely, swallowing. Silence stretches between them and Bucky sighs. "Stevie, can I ask you on a date?" He figured he'd make the first move, since Steve looked too awkward to do so at the moment.

Steve blushes and nods. "Yeah, um. That'd be great," he says and Bucky smiles back.


Three years later, they were still dating and were far more comfortable talking about it.

"You were so nervous," Bucky croons and Steve blushes, turning his head away. They were reminiscing about when they officially told each other that they liked each other.

"You knew the whole time," he accuses and Bucky scoffs.

"No way. I had no idea you were so gay." Steve rolls his eyes, smiling as Bucky pulls him closer. "I'm glad though, I don't know what I'd've done if you weren't."

"Moved on?" Steve suggests. "Found another guy?" He didn't fancy the thought. Bucky rolls his eyes.

"Don't be stupid, it's always been you or nobody. You know that." He glances at him and Steve struggles to stop himself from blushing.

"Same for you, Buck," he hums and Bucky grins. He takes Steve's hand and they continue their walk.


So I just had a short idea of Steve coming out and being all nervous and stuff, and Bucky being totally chill. I also wrote him as demisexual, because that's a sexuality I never see in fiction. I just hope I classified it accurately.

And I'm keeping up with the updating schedule I've set - every Saturday. I will stick to this, and if not, then y'all can yell at me.

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