Ghost Investigators

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"Okay, camera's ready to go, Sam?" Steve asks, looking up at one of their cameramen, and Sam nods in response. The blonde glances up at his boyfriend Bucky, who raises an eyebrow.

"You ready for this?" Steve asks, Bucky nods and takes his hand. They were ghost investigators, and they'd found a supposedly haunted hotel called Rosewood in Alabama, where there were multiple complaints of seeing ghosts. The story was, a rich family was stopping in for the night; a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. The McMillers found nothing wrong with the place, until they were all murdered either in the attic, or the basement. Steve, Bucky, Sam, Pietro and Clint were the investigators; Bucky and Steve believed in ghosts, Sam was uncertain, Pietro was too, and Clint didn't believe in ghosts. 

"You ready to go, fellas?" Bucky asks them all, turning to the cameramen, Sam and Clint, who nod. Pietro was solely an investigator along with Steve and Bucky, they all got along well.

Bucky squeezes Steve's hand briefly as they walk up the steps to the creaky wooden porch, Pietro glances at them and shares a concerned look with Steve. Even though the larger blonde was Bucky's boyfriend, Pietro still cared very deeply for the brunette. One of the main things that brought the two blondes together was their deep love and care for Bucky, their need to protect him.

"Okay, here we go," Sam muses, switching the camera on and focusing on the three. Pietro pushes the door open and steps inside first, Clint next, then Steve, Bucky and Sam.

"Right, so we're in the Rosewood hotel out here in Alabama, looking over the McMillers case, tryin' to find some ghostly business," Clint muses, sliding the camera image around the lobby. It was dusty and old, two elevators in the back with the front desk in between them, chairs lined up along the walls. Bucky runs a finger along the main desk and dings the bell, the sound rang out loud and clear.

"So they were murdered in the attic and the basement?" Steve clarifies and Pietro nods, looking around the place quickly. He did most things quickly, he was one of the best runners in New York, where they were all from.

"Apparently," Pietro muses, rounding the corner and finding a spiral staircase. Bucky lets out a low whistle, peering up the stairs.

"So how're we gonna split this up?" Sam asks, looking over them all. Steve glances at Bucky, who shrugs.

"Maybe it should go like... Steve, you take Sam and Bucky up to the attic and Pietro and I will tackle the basement?" Clint pipes up. Pietro shrugs.

"Okay, that works," Bucky agrees, wrapping an arm around Steve's waist. Pietro nods.

"We will see you later, then," Pietro says, saluting casually before sauntering off with Clint filming in tow.

"Right. Up we go," Steve says cheerfully, starting up the spiral stairs. Bucky goes quietly behind him, he turns to face Sam and pulls a face then Sam rolls his eyes, smirking.

They make it to the middle of the stairs before Steve comes to a halt. Bucky peers his head around to look at him, frowning a little. Sam takes a step up, capturing whatever's happening.

"Steve?" Bucky asks uncertainly, placing a hand on his arm, and the blonde turns his head.

"That was weird," Steve frowns and Bucky leaves his hand on his arm. "I just heard like a thump from upstairs."

"Huh," Bucky muses as Steve starts up again. "Hopefully it's a cat?" He says and Steve smiles and shakes his head.

They make it to the next floor and Sam scans the room.

"The kids names were what again?" Sam says, watching the two.

"John and Katie," Steve replies as Bucky steps into a room. The brunette walks around the room slowly, taking everything in.

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