Number Nine- Fatal Gravity

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"Comin' up on the dropzone, cap." Rumlow informs from up front, Steve presses the button to open the door and wind roars. He was busy arguing with Bucky. Rumlow smirks a little to himself.

"You jumped out of one of these things without a parachute? What the h***, Steve!" Bucky yells over the wind at his husband. Steve rolls his eyes as he pulls a parachute on.

"It was into water!" He protests and Bucky groans.

"Idiot." He huffs and Steve doesn't hear him. They leap out and start plummeting to the ground.

"Got one now, don't I!" Steve shouts and Bucky glances at him.

"Shut up, Steve!" He shouts back and Steve scoffs a little.

"Thought you needed to talk about this, Buck!"

"Shut up and get ready to pull your chute, you punk!"

They get into position and pull their chutes. Steve gets jerked up as his parachute unfolds and catches the wind. Bucky seemed to be struggling with his. He pulls the strap forcefully and nothing happens.

"S***!" He shouts and Steve frowns, noticing something was wrong.

"It's not working! D*** it, Rumlow!" He shouts, struggling more as they get closer to the ground. Steve glides over and tries to catch up to his husband, who was falling much faster than himself. There was nothing he could do, nothing he could say to help in anyway. He reaches for Bucky's hand but again, he can't reach. Again his best friend was falling to his death, but this one looked more permanent.

The ground was only a couple feet below them now and Steve was panicking to get to Bucky, trying with all his might. He reaches as far as he can but it still isn't enough.

"Buck, grab my hand!" He shouts and Bucky reaches up, fear in his eyes. This was all too familiar and he felt sickened by it all. He knew it was too late as he glanced down at the ground and back up at Steve. He curls up into a ball, squeezing his eyes shut as he slams into the ground with a loud, resounding crack. Steve looked shocked and his eyes were filled with horror.

He lands and whips off his parachute, he kneels beside Bucky and pales.

The brunette's eyes were closed and his body was curled up still, but blood was pouring from his head at an alarming rate. Clinging to the faint hope that by some miracle he might still be alive, Steve presses his hand to Bucky's chest, trying to feel for a pulse. There was none.

"No, no, no..." Steve wavers, kneeling beside him. Bucky doesn't move and Steve holds him close, tears fall down his face as he starts sobbing. This shouldn't have happened again.

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