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"You two should actually get some sleep tonight," Nat advises the two ninety-seven year olds. They might as well be seven year olds, though, they acted much younger than their ages suggested they should.

"We got sleep last night," Steve protests and Nat raises an eyebrow. Bucky turns his head towards the blonde and gives him a look.


"Shut up, we got some sleep," Steve replies and Bucky shakes his head.

"Uh huh, uh huh." He smirks as he slings an arm over Steve's broad shoulders. Nat shakes her head at the boys.

"Right. G'night, boys. Oh, and for the sake of our sleep," Nat pauses with a smirk as she notices Steve's face take on a red tinge. "Just keep it down tonight."

"Hmm, maybe," Bucky teases and Steve elbows him in the side as he rolls his eyes and smirks.

"Good night, Natasha," he sighs as the redhead saunters off, a smile still lingering on her red lips. Bucky nudges Steve and smirks.

"You're so cute."

"I know," Steve responds cheekily as they take the elevator up to their floor. They head into their room and Bucky yawns then flops face first onto their bed. Steve lays down on top of him and Bucky groans.

"You're too heavy," he complains into the pillow and Steve rolls off of him.

"But you're comfortable." He pouts at him and Bucky rolls his eyes.

"But you're heavy," he repeats and Steve shrugs his shoulders lazily.

"Hmm," he simply hums in response. Bucky sits up and pulls his shirt off then stretches his arms above his head, tensing his muscles. Steve blushes a little when he sees and Bucky merely smirks.

"C'mon, I'm tired, Steve," Bucky yawns as he waits for Steve to get ready for bed. It was almost ten thirty, which was relatively early for them, but they, specifically Bucky, were fairly tired.

"I'm not though," Steve points out, flopping down beside him. Bucky looks at him from the corner of his eye.

"Natasha said we should sleep."

"Who's the older adults here, Natasha, or us?"

Bucky pretends to look up at the ceiling to consider this.

"Yeah, still Natasha," he responds finally and Steve pouts a little so Bucky pats his cheek.

"Mean," he mumbles and Bucky shrugs and wraps an arm around Steve's waist. The blonde rests his chin on his shoulder as Bucky slouches down and closes his eyes. It was quiet for a while and Steve curls up beside him.

"You're still awake, right?" He says softly after a minute or two and Bucky cracks an eye open.


"Good. I'm bored."

"Steve..." Bucky sighs and the blonde pouts some more.

"Please? I can't sleep," Steve complains and Bucky sits up.

"D'you really wanna be tired?"

Steve of course answered yes. So that's how they ended up playing Super Mario Bros at eleven at night.


"C'mon," Steve urges, his character way ahead of Bucky's. The brunette yawns and rests his head on Steve's shoulder, he hums a sleepy reply.

"'M comin'," he drawls through a yawn, eyes half-lidded as he focused on the tv screen, his fingers lazily controlling the remote.

"I'm almost at the end, Buck," Steve hums in a singsong voice. Bucky sticks his tongue out at him.

"I'm comin'," he repeats, urging his character to go faster. "It's only 'cause you got Mario," he adds and the blonde shakes his head.

"Nah," he replies as his character reaches the end two seconds before Bucky's does. "Luigi is the best character. Or Yoshi," he adds as an afterthought.

"I love Yoshi," Bucky agrees with another big yawn. "How're you not tired yet?" He asks incredulously and Steve shrugs, nibbling a little on his bottom lip.

"Dunno." Steve shrugs a shoulder.

"Well I ain't too long for this, Rogers," Bucky mumbles.

"Fallin' asleep?"

"That I am," Bucky agrees, nuzzling Steve's neck and kissing it lightly.

"Okay. One more level?" Steve inquires and Bucky blows a strand of brown hair from his eye then sighs. He glances at Steve who again was giving him those dang puppy dog eyes and he huffs out a breath.

"Alright," he agrees, turning back to face the tv as the next level started. "But only 'cause you're cute," he adds and Steve smiles.

Bucky made it halfway through the level before he fell asleep, his head on Steve's shoulder, snoring softly. Steve smiles sleepily over at him and kisses the top of his head.

"Night, baby," he whispers, leaving his arm wrapped around his waist. He fell asleep only minutes later.


I haven't done anything in a while. I figured you guys could have this while I considered to either work on the song requests (sorry about that btw) or the bad month long one. So yeah. :)

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