AU Collection #1

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Airport AU


Bucky was catching a plane to see family friends who lived in Romania, and he had had a pretty decent trip so far.

Until he reached the airport.

He sits quietly in the very uncomfortable plastic seats at the cafeteria-type place in the airport. Really, it was an early morning grab-something-and-go breakfast bar which served old coffee and cold breakfast burritos. Still, it was better than nothing.

He checks his watch again and blows out a breath, looking around. He still had ten minutes to putter around before catching his flight. Deciding not to waste any more time at the breakfast bar, he gathers his bags and stands up, about to leave, when someone barrels past him out of their seat, bumping into him and splashing coffee all over his shirt.

Bucky jumps back, jerking his head up to look at whoever it was that bumped him. He comes face to face with a blond who was talking on his phone, shooting him an apologetic glance. "What the h***, man?" Bucky scowls up at him.

"So sorry," the blond mouths before looking embarrassed and hurriedly rushing away, dragging his bags after him. Bucky stares after him, eyes narrowed.


He doesn't stop and Bucky looks at his shirt again, growling a curse and yanking some napkins off the table. He tries scrubbing himself off, and yet the stain remains on his had-been perfectly clean white shirt.

He checks his watch again. "S***," he hisses and shoulders his backpack, double-checks his things, and starts running through the airport. He was about to miss his flight. He makes it just in time, arriving in line red-faced and out of breath. He hands his ticket over then slowly makes his way down the aisle to find his seat. He slides in and sits next to the window, sighing and rubbing his eyes.

Ten minutes later, when they're about to finish boarding, that same blond from before sits beside him and Bucky shoots him a glance. The blond was trying very hard to pretend he didn't see him.

An hour into the flight flies by, with not a word spoken. "Y'know, you could've said sorry," Bucky speaks, his eyes trained out the window. The blond looks at him.

"I didn't see you there. Sorry."

Bucky glances over at him and his eyes flick down to his stained shirt again, a little resentfully. He sighs and turns to him, seeing him grimace, expecting an argument. Instead, Bucky offers his hand. The blond shakes it uncertainly.

"I'm Bucky. You are?"

"Steve, Steve Rogers," replies the blond. Bucky nods, releasing his hand and offering him a rueful smile. "Again, I'm so sorry. I can - I can pay for the cleaning."

"My sister has a washing machine, it's fine," Bucky dismisses. He notices how Steve still looks worried and he smiles reassuringly. "It's fine, man."

Steve relaxes a little, nodding. "Okay."

They chat for the multiple-hour long flight peacefully, and end up exchanging numbers.

Lifeguard Training AU


"You're the new guy?" Steve asks, gesturing to the brunet across from him. Bucky bites his lip a little, staring at him. His trainer, Steve, was hot. And Bucky, the ever romantic, was not going to miss an opportunity to flirt.

"That's me," he hums, rocking on his heels. Steve glances over his checkboard briefly.

"Okay, so I'll be training you today. Natasha is tomorrow," he comments, looking back up at him.

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