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"He stepped into the dragon's cave. Hot grey smoke billowed around him and he coughed. He couldn't give up now. He pushed forward, gripping his sword tight in his grasp.

He rounded the corner and there it was. The gold, the beautiful gold everyone had been searching for. Mounds of gold coin, dozens of wooden treasure chests scattered the floor haphazardly, their contents mixing with the rest of the unimaginable treasures. And among the gold sat the terrible beast. The dragon.

Its long, silver tail curled protectively around its most prized possession; a large, black cage. The brave knight swallowed and inched forward, ready to burst with anticipation and excitement. His treasure waited within that black cage. The real treasure he cared about, more than all the mounds of gold and all the treasure chests spilling with loot; the knight had found his prince."

Bucky smiles as he leans against the blonde, his head resting on his chest. He loved when Steve imagined new stories. He was good at thinking up plots and characters, and so far proved to be a brilliant narrator.

"The prince was handsome, of course; his eyes were bright and full of life, and his smile could light up a room. Some dared say it was brighter than the sun itself," Steve continues and Bucky blushes. The blonde smiles at him. "The dragon, knowing this, had wanted the best treasure to express his grandeur, how truly remarkable he was. But the knight wouldn't give up. He would never leave his prince; not for gold, nor adventure, nor glory. He was intent on saving him, and he set about to do exactly that."

"Next chapter, please?" Bucky begs, looking up at him.

"I think it's time for bed," Steve suggests and Bucky sighs reluctantly.

"Does he save the prince?" He asks shyly and Steve smiles.

"Fine. Just a little more, okay?" Bucky nods eagerly, smiling contentedly. "The knight quietly snuck up behind the slumbering beast, its large silver body heaving with each breath it took. This knight took extreme caution while he crept across the gold; even the slightest slip up could spell doom for our knight.

"Indeed, he did slip up." Bucky straightens up, his eyes glued to Steve as he watches, transfixed while his husband weaves these magical tales. "A crystal clear goblet tumbled across the gold, loosened by the knight's slip up. It clinked and clattered until it came to rest on the stone floor with a scratching sound. The knight froze midstep, holding his breath. Had he failed? Would the dragon awaken from its long slumber?"

Bucky, too, holds his breath while Steve pauses for a second, thinking. "No. The dragon gave a great sigh and rolled onto its back, its tail curling around its muscular legs, hugging the cage closer against it. Now what was our prince up to while our knight struggled to reach him?"

Bucky watches him curiously. Steve looks at him expectantly. "He... gets up and looks through the bars?" He says uncertainly and Steve smiles encouragingly.

"Sounds good. Our noble prince rose to his feet and stepped up to the wall of the cell. For too long he'd been alone, the only company a fifteen foot dragon, guarding him from the world. He wouldn't stand for it a moment longer," Steve continues and Bucky smiles.

"At long last, the knight managed to sneak over to the cage. His heart soared; his true love had not been harmed, and was inches away." Bucky sits up on his knees, excitement rising within him. "The knight smiled in relief upon seeing his prince's handsome features. The prince reached a hand through the bars as the knight did the same. Their fingers were inches apart, and the prince's dreams of freedom were finally coming true. Finally, he would be free of his prison! He would be with his knight, and never be trapped again."

Steve stops there and Bucky pouts at him. "Please tell a little more? The suspense is killing me," he begs and the blonde gives his head a small shake but smiles nonetheless.

"Sorry baby, that's it for tonight," he answers and Bucky sighs as he leans back down. He again uses Steve's chest as a pillow and the blonde wraps his right arm around him, then lightly plays with his brown hair.

"I really like that one though," he whines and Steve kisses the side of his head.

"Tell you what. I'll finish it tomorrow, okay? We'll see what happens," he says and Bucky nods then yawns quietly.

"But I'm not tired," Bucky protests and Steve sighs a little.

"I know you are, sweetheart, I can tell."

Bucky pouts some more. "No 'm not." He yawns widely nonetheless and his eyelids droop closed. "'Kay, maybe a little. G'night, my knight," he mumbles with a small amused smile. Steve hugs him gently and smiles softly.

"Goodnight, prince," he replies and Bucky smiles softly, cuddling in close against him. Steve smiles and the pair quickly fall asleep, dreaming of another adventure.


So I wrote this at like one thirty this morning. What do you guys think?

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