Number Fourteen- Phase Two

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Bucky runs around the corner, panting a little, out of breath. He glances behind him to see the zombies chasing after him. Yes, zombies. The world had fallen to a disease and infected those who caught the disease. The diseased would bite a living person to try to eat them and that would carry the disease over. It spread like wildfire but some, like Bucky, Steve, and Bucky's sister, Becca, had survived thus far.

"Becca, you ready for phase two?" He says, knowing she'll hear through their comms units.

"Guess I have to be, Buck." She answers through grit teeth as she lobs the head off of a zombie.

"Steve, keep my sister alive, will ya?" He breathes, cleaning his machete quickly.

"Roger that." Steve replies and Bucky rolls his eyes. Rogers was Steve's last name and the blonde was always making jokes like that.

"Ha ha ha, like we haven't heard that joke a thousand times already. Shouldn't you be killing zombies, or something?" He huffs, ducking a zombie's grasp for his neck and chopping its arm off, getting sprayed with thick black blood.

"Sir, yes, sir." Steve retorts, bashing a zombie's brain out with a baseball bat. He preferred that other than knives or machetes. Whatever worked.


Becca gets in place on the rooftop. Their plan was first, get the zombies' attention, which Bucky had done rather excellently. Second, lead them up to the roof together in a group. And third, Becca would jump off and be caught by Bucky who was waiting at the bottom. The zombies then would be trapped on the roof and Bruce, who was their friend and still survived, would blast them all with a serum he had made to finish them all off for good and kill them completely.


"How're you doing, Bec?" Bucky asks, worry creeping into his voice. She rolls her eyes and shoves her hair out of her face.

"One guess." She answers sarcastically and hears Bucky's exasperated sigh.

"Just stay alive." He pleads and she nods even though he can't see her.

"I'll be fine." She assures, turning to face the swarm of zombies flowing from the door leading to the roof. She clutches her knives a little tighter and swallows.


Steve was back up. He watches her anxiously, concealed from the zombies' view. He couldn't hide his stench, though, just hoped that the smell of dead meat would overpower the smell of fresh meat, which would be him. He was worried about Becca, too- she had grown to be like a sister for Steve as well. She starts flying into action, killing the ones that get too close to her for comfort then shouts "Now!" She leaps off the roof and Steve's stomach lurches with worry and anxiety. He knew Bucky was down there to catch her with a mat or something. But still, he worried.


Bucky looks up to see his sister free falling and the zombies leaning over the edge to watch her, moaning loudly. He step forward with the soft mat he'd found and watches Becca brace for impact. She hits the mat and gets the wind knocked out of her.

Groaning, she rolls off the mat into Bucky's arms. He hugs her close and sighs. She looks up and her eyes widen.

"Buck!" She exclaims, pointing. Steve had been found out by the zombies and was balancing on the edge of the roof, he weapon was gone and Bucky swore loudly. He gets into position to catch him but wonders how well this would work. Steve was the biggest as well as the most muscular out of the three of them.

"Jump! I'll catch you!" Bucky shouts up and without hesitation the blonde jumps over the edge. Bucky tenses his muscles in preparation and gets ready to catch him. The blonde lands partially on the mat but accidentally hits Bucky as well. The pair topple to the ground.

Bucky groans and opens his eyes to see Steve trying to get up.

"I am so, so, so sorry!" Steve repeats, scrabbling to his feet and his face burning red with embarrassment. Bucky gets up and puts a hand to his head, shaking it a little. He sees Bruce up there, sneakily setting up the canister, and he sets it off before racing back inside with his hands over his ears and his eyes shut. The gas canister explodes and sends green gas spilling around the zombies, which collapse to the rooftop. Some of them tumble towards the ground and they three start running off.

Bucky yelps as a rogue hand grasps his ankle and refuses to leave go. Steve hits the hand with a baseball bat, (he'd found one of his otjers that lied around) hits it repeatedly and it finally crumples to the ground. Bucky gets his breath back and rubs his ankle, making a face in disgust when he sees it covered in black blood.

"Thanks." He sighs, looking up at Steve. The blonde smiles a little and nods, dropping the baseball bat. Bucky smiles and brings them in for a hug. They were dirty and bloody, but alive. They had won.

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