Bucky's Mission

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This has been a request.


The helicarrier was falling, crashing down towards the Potomac river, determined to bring at least two victims down with it. These two were Captain America and the Winter Soldier.

Steve had tried. He had tried so hard to bring his friend back. He told himself he wouldn't give up, Bucky was still in there, but it was hard.

"Bucky," Steve croaks, looking at the assassin, who glares back, breathing heavily. "You've known me your whole life."

"No, I don't!" Bucky hollers, whamming his fist again into the blonde's face with a crack. Steve stumbles backwards and nearly loses his balance. He staggers and pulls his helmet off then drops it onto the cracking glass.

"I'm not gonna fight you," he breathes as he stands up straighter and drops his shield. "You're my friend," he says more clearly, looking at the brunette across from him. Bucky hesitates for a second before tackling him with a yell.

"You're my mission," he growls before pulling his metal fist back. Steve prepares himself for the first hit.

Bucky hit him again and again and again, he kept going, and after a while it became second nature.

"You're my mission!" He shouts with each hit, getting red flecks on the silver metal. Steve blinks up at him, one eye bruised shut.

"Then finish it," he murmurs, swallowing thickly. "'Cause I'm with you till the end of the line."

Bucky stares at him and Steve stares back, still at least a flicker of hope still in his eyes. One more hit and he'd be done with, just one more hit and his mission will be accomplished.

He hesitates a second, staring at him. He raises his fist one more time and Steve swallows and squeezes his eyes closed. Bucky punches him, hard, once, then twice, then over and over again until Captain America was no longer recognizable.

The Winter Soldier pulls back, his metal fist splattered with blood.

He puts his hand on Steve's chest, searching for a heartbeat. There was one, very faint and struggling. The assassin waits patiently; his mission didn't have very long. Sure enough, after three painfully long minutes, Steve exhaled and went still.

He'd finished his mission. The Winter Soldier looks around briefly before bracing himself as the helicarrier crumbles around them, and Steve went down with the ship. Bucky takes his breath and quickly dives down as the metal goes swirling around him, bubbles cascading. He bursts through the water with a deep breath, flicking his hair back, and he drags himself to shore.

The Winter Soldier looks around briefly before walking off into the surrounding forested area, disappearing once more.


It's a little short, guys, sorry.

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