Hail Hydra

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"Do you understand, Soldier?"

"Yes, sir. I'll have it finished by then."

"Good. Dead, you understand? He's been more trouble than his worth."

"Understood, sir."

"Good, good. Hail Hydra!"

"Hail Hydra."


Bucky Barnes walks downtown with his boyfriend Steve Rogers, pointing out unusual sightings. Since being the Winter Soldier, lots had been happening. Bucky had something on his mind that he'd been planning to do; the question was, how and when to do it.

"You with me, Buck?"

"Sorry?" He says, glancing over at him.

"S'okay. Said I was wondering if you'd like to go to the Smithsonian," Steve repeats, and Bucky nods.

"Sure, sounds good," he responds, he didn't bother telling Steve he'd been there before. They walk towards the museum and go quiet again. It was normal for Bucky to dissapear off into his own mind, anyway.


They arrive and Bucky immediately heads to the Captain America wing. He wanted to know absolutely everything he could, because his memories still had patches. Steve follows along behind, glancing around the place.

"You were so small, so weak," Bucky says in awe, standing in front of the wall dedicated to tiny Steve. It was a tiny wall just for that.

"Yeah, I was," he nods, looking at his tinier frame and feeling thankful to be strong now, strong from the serum he'd gotten.

"You were so cute," Bucky sighs wistfully, glancing back at him.

"Were? Well, thanks," he says sarcastically and Bucky kisses his cheek.

"Well now you're just hot," he shrugs and Steve blushes a little and looks down modestly.

"Buck," he whines and Bucky grins.


They walk around a while longer and pause in front of the Howling Commandos' outfit statues. Bucky smiled sadly, he knew he missed them, Dugan especially. They'd been fairly close and liked to bug Steve.

The blonde looks at them all and sighs. To him, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and officers, they demanded a sort of respect; and Steve gave them that. Respect for soldiers, doing what they had to do.

"Ready to go, Buck?"

"Yeah," he replied, taking his hand before walking out, his mind back on his task.


"I'm looking for one of these," Bucky tells a pawn shop owner one other day, showing him a picture on his phone. The man peers through his glasses before nodding.

"You sure, pal?" He tests, reaching into a display case and pulling one out then putting it in a velvet lined case. Bucky smiles a little to himself.

"Definitely," he nods. He knew this is what he was made to do. He wanted to do it, in fact, had for a very long time.

He hands the man the money then takes the object and slides it into his backpack. He waves before walking back out and into the street once more.


Steve walks into his bosses office, shield slung onto his back.

"Mission accomplished?" His boss asks without turning around in his seat, his feet propped up on the window sill.

"Preparing for it, sir," he responds, and he was. He was supposed to be finished by now, but he hadn't really had any option to put it into action. His boss nods a little before turning around and taking a file from his desk and scribbling something down.

"Get it done."


A day later Bucky sits quietly on the couch, waiting for Steve to come back from his walk. He was nervous and fiddled with the object he'd bought the other day. His heart was racing and his foot bounced on the floor. He told himself you've been the Winter Soldier before, you went through that, you can do this. He still worried.

The door opened as he came in and Bucky looked up and swallowed.

"Hi, Steve," he says, fiddling with the object, and the blonde smiles a little.


Bucky got up and looked down, and Steve looked concerned for a moment.
"Something wrong?" He asks and Bucky shakes his head.

"Steve... I-I've known you- well... yeah, known you- for a really long time, and I think it's come down to this," he says shakily, bringing the object into view, and Steve's eyes widen. "Will you marry me?" He asks, getting down on one knee and holding the small, velvet lined case in his hand, a gleaming silver band resting on top. The blonde was speechless. "The, uh, the ring wasn't much, it's a cheap one, got it at a pawn brokers, but..." Bucky shrugs a little. "Will it do?"

"Buck," he whispers, too shocked. It was now or never, wait longer and he wouldn't have enough courage to do it. He wraps his arms around him and Bucky hugs back, and then he lets out a gasp as the dagger is buried into his stomach. "I'm sorry, but I say no."

"Steve," he chokes as the blonde pulls back with the dagger in hand. Bucky puts a hand to his stomach, staggering backwards.

"You have no idea how persuasive Hydra can be," Steve sighs as Bucky shudders.

"I know, believe me," Bucky hisses, straightening up to the best of his ability, blood soaking his shirt. "What happened to Captain America?"

Steve shrugs, wiping his blade off. "Times changed, Buck."

"You never should've," Bucky whispers as he legs give out and he slides down the wall. Steve steps closer and looks at him and all Bucky felt was betrayal. "How... long?" He asks in a breathless voice.

"Since the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. Hydra gave me an opportunity to do more."

"Do more? I thought saving people would be enough," he grunts. He was starting to get tunnel vision, if only Steve'd left the dagger in he would've been better off. Blood poured from the wound, the smell alone nearly made Bucky feel sick.

"It was," he admits, squatting down beside him, and Bucky keeps his eyes on him even as it gets darker. "But like I said. Times changed."

"I can't believe you, how could you have managed telling me... that you loved me?" Bucky pants as it gets harder to breathe and his eyes try to slide closed.

"I knew it wasn't real. I knew that it would've been living a dream. I knew that you, as sentimental as you were, would fall for it, because all you've wanted is to be loved. I could never love you, Buck, no matter how much I could've tried."

And those words broke Bucky.

"Steve, please," he pleads, he didn't even know what he wanted. This to be a twisted nightmare, a sick attempt at a prank, maybe Steve was a clone? He wanted this to never have happened. He gripped the ring tighter in his bloodied hand, staining the silver.

"I'm sorry, Bucky. If things could've been different..." he trails off before getting up. Bucky's eyes slip closed. "Goodbye, James Buchanan Barnes. Hail Hydra."

Mission accomplished.

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