Out of Time

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You probably won't like me for this.

Bucky lies gasping on the cold, wet pavement, a shaking hand clutching his abdomen. Dark blood slowly leaked down, soaking his shirt, staining his skin red. He went down a shady street, was jumped, got into a fight and was stabbed for his troubles.

He swallows thickly and winces, he reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out his phone. There was no point calling the police, he knew they would arrive too late anyway. His fingers shaking, he presses the icon he wanted. His husband, Steve Rogers, he just wanted to talk to him. He coughs and blood dribbles down his chin.

"Hey baby," Steve hums and Bucky cracks a grin.

"Hey, Steve," he whispers, pushing himself up against the wall and biting his tongue. He looks up at the sky to see it just starting to get cloudy.

"What's up?" Steve asks, walking around the supermarket, shopping for groceries.

"Uh, nothing, just wanted to talk," he replies in the strongest voice he could muster. "I'm a little lonely." He admits.

"Oh, okay. Listen, I grabbed the movie you wanted to see tonight," Steve says and Bucky smiles sadly, his eyes sting a little and tears start to gather.

"That's great, thank you. Hey, Steve, you know I love you, right?" He whispers, wincing again, tears start to fall.

"I do... are you okay, baby?" Steve asks, starting to sound a little concerned.

"Of course, Steve, I'm okay," he breathes, slouching further down the wall and sucking in a sharp breath as his abdomen throbs painfully. "Just wanted to remind you. I love you so much, so d*** much you have no idea." He continues, tears silently sliding down his face.

"Okay... well, I love you too, Bucky, you know that," Steve replies and Bucky laughs breathlessly, he sniffles and wipes his nose.

"I know, I know," Bucky nods, his vision was starting to blur now, either because this was it or because of his tears he couldn't quite tell. "You grabbed the ingredients for s'mores, yeah?"

"Of course I did," Steve agrees, piling stuff into the basket. "Will you promise not to eat all the marshmallows this time?" He asks and Bucky smiles a little, he had started to really tremble.

"Hey, marshmallows are life, can't blame me for... eatin' them all, they're so good," he argues, lifting his hand to check on his abdomen, which still leaked dark red blood.

"True, true. We'll need enough for tonight," Steve muses.

"Yeah," Bucky breathes, he could tell that it was coming, or he was going, whichever made more sense. "Don't forget the milk chocolate this time." He smiles a little, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, accidentally smearing them in blood, he huffs a little.

"Come on, a one time thing. Besides, you didn't need competition," Steve says and Bucky smiles faintly.


"Well, with the chocolate out of the way you were the sweetest thing there," Steve hums and more tears slip down the brunette's face.

"You're such a punk," he whispers weakly, his eyes struggling to stay open, his breathing was slow, faint. "I love you, Steven Grant Rogers-Barnes." He adds.

"Jerk," Steve says and Bucky smiles again, slumping against the wall. "I love you too, James Buchanan Rogers-Barnes." Then the brunette hangs up.

Bucky looks at a photo of Steve one more time, forcing himself to memorize his face, his laugh, everything. His eyes slip shut and his phone slides from his hand and clatters to the ground, and he huffs his final breath.

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