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"Your turn to make breakfast, guys," Nat hums in a singsong voice, hugging Steve and Bucky from behind. Bucky whines and Steve sighs.

"You know we can't cook to save our lives!" Bucky protests while Steve nods frantically in agreement. Nat rolls her eyes as she pulls away.

"You'll do fine. Remember Thor wants Pop-tarts, Tony needs lots of coffee, and Clint needs sugar," Nat requests and Steve groans. "Good luck, don't burn the tower down." The redhead leaves them alone in the spotlessly clean kitchen and they look at each other.

"Right, well, I guess I'll start some pancakes and eggs, Buck you get the coffee and Pop-tarts going?" Steve suggests and, pouting, the brunette shuffles over to their coffee machine. Steve bustles about making breakfast.

Bucky was slowly dropping Pop-tarts into the toaster, still pouting. Steve walks up behind him and pokes him with the spatula.

"En guard," Steve declares, brandishing the spatula like a sabre. Bucky turns to face him, a rueful smile stretching on his face. He reaches for the closest thing to use, which turns out to be a whisk covered in batter.

"Take that, ye villain," he states boldly, jabbing at him and sending batter splattering all over him. Steve dips the spatula in a tiny amount of batter then goes to get Bucky back, but the brunette blocks the hit.

"You fight like my sister," Bucky scorns as they slowly circle each other in the kitchen, paying little attention to the mess they're making.

"I fought your sister, that's a compliment," Steve retorts as he flicks batter on him. Bucky thrusts his whisk and Steve ducks to the side.

They only stop when the fire alarm starts beeping. They look at each other briefly before Steve goes to turn it off and Bucky flips the badly burnt pancakes.

"How does this turn off?" Steve says exasperatedly, fingers fumbling with the tiny buttons.

"Hurry up!" Bucky panics. He knew Natasha was going to kill them. He could hear footsteps upstairs now. Bucky grabs the broom and tosses it to Steve. Time was vital. The blonde jabs the broom at the fire alarm, managing to hit it off as Natasha pokes her annoyed face in.

"Having trouble?" She asks in a voice that let them know that there had better not be any trouble, or she'd kill them.

"Trouble? No," Steve scoffs, waving off her accusation. Natasha narrows her eyes at them both as they smile nervously, Bucky shuffles where he stands. With a roll of her eyes she leaves once more and Bucky looks at Steve.

"Your fault," he accuses as they turn back to the food.

"What, me? You retaliated," he retorts as he flips the next bunch of pancakes; luckily, these weren't ruined. Bucky puts his hands on his hips.

"You started it," he defends as he starts making some toast.

"You still retaliated," Steve mumbles and Bucky sighs up at the ceiling.

"You're such a punk," he says with a half grin as he shakes his head. Steve smiles slightly.

"And you're a jerk," Steve replies and Bucky smirks. They go quiet for a while, both tending to the foodstuff. Then Bucky sighs.

"This is too quiet," he declares, dropping more bread into the toaster. Steve nods in agreement then Bucky trots into the living room and grabs his Ipod before returning to his post.

He puts it on shuffle and turns it up as loud as it can go. The first song comes on and Bucky dances along, mainly bouncing his hips around as he sings loudly along with the song.

"Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want," Bucky bursts as he butters the toast.

"So tell me what you want, what you really really want," Steve replies, flipping the rest of the pancakes over to cook. Bucky turns and points at him.

"I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want,"

"So tell me what you want, what you really want," Steve answers, pointing at him.

"I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna-"

"I really really really really want to eat food today," Nat cuts in as she pokes through the door and the two men jump. Bucky scowls at her as he finishes up buttering toast and sulks over to the coffee machine. Nat sternly stares them down as the song changes and Steve quietly turns back to the pancakes. She leaves them alone once more.

Bucky starts quietly mocking Natasha under his breath and Steve raises his eyebrows at him.

'Do you have a death wish?' He mouths at the brunette.

'She can't hear us, Steve,' Bucky mouths back with a roll of his eyes. They could hear her walking around her room, waiting for their next fumble.

'It's Natasha,' Steve mouths back and Bucky shrugs.

'So? I'm not afraid of her,' he mouths and Steve stares at him blankly. "Okay, maybe a little," he whispers hastily, casting a gaze up towards the ceiling, half expecting to see Natasha clinging there. It wouldn't surprise him if that were the case.

The next song comes on and Steve scowls at the brunette, while Bucky gives him an evil grin, obviously hearing the song as well.

"Who's strong and brave, here to save the American way?" Bucky sings loudly very suddenly, making Steve jump once more. The blonde sulks and flips the pancakes onto the awaiting plate next to the burners and slides the cooked eggs onto another plate.

"Who vows to fight like a man for what's right night and day?" Bucky continues, smirking at the blonde.

"Lalala, can't hear you," Steve says loudly, plugging his ears.

"Who will campaign door-to-door for America, carry the flag shore-to-shore for America, from Hoboken to Spokane, The Star Spangled Man with a Plan!" Bucky sings, stepping closer.

"Sorry, what? I can't hear you," Steve says loudly, humming a tune to himself to block Bucky out.

Clint walks by and backtracks, staring at them. He furrows his eyebrows, attempting to understand what's going on, before giving up and shaking his head, deciding he was better off not to know.

Bucky eventually steps away and Steve carefully uncovers his ears. He cautiously steps around the brunette and pulls the fridge door open, reaching in to grab a jug of juice. Bucky doesn't react so Steve begins to relax as he pulls the jug out.

"We can't ignore there's a threat and a war we must win," Bucky bursts and Steve jumps once again, this time spilling the juice down his clothes. Bucky raises his eyebrows and purses his lips. "Oh. Oops."

"Bucky," Steve whines, trying to shake out his shirt. Bucky looks him over and winces in sympathy.

"Gee, I'm sorry, Stevie," he sighs dramatically, grabbing a towel and handing it to him. Steve huffs as he tries to dry himself off. "Why don't you go change?"

"Nat will murder me," Steve sighs and Bucky furrows his brows.

"Change shirts with me," he says and Steve looks at him. "I did make you spill the juice anyway," he adds and Steve shrugs.

For lack of better plan, that's what they decide to do. And of course, Natasha had to step through the door at that moment to see them both shirtless. She throws her hands up in the air, exasperated. "Five minutes, boys. Just five minutes," she says, they shamefully trade shirts and start pulling them on. "If I wanted to babysit I'd watch Stark. Why can't you two just behave." She rolls her eyes, sighing, and once more steps out.


They finally finish breakfast and Natasha of course told the rest of the crew all the mishaps she'd seen. Luckily everybody had a good laugh at that and Steve and Bucky -- thankfully, in everyone's case -- weren't on clean-up duty.


I think this was quite alright. Oh and I've decided to just leave my work up; don't worry, I won't take any chapters down. Sorry I've taken so long publishing. I'm pretty sure this turned out. Sorry if I messed anything up.

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