Stay With Me

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This has been requested by MorganPolsgrove.


Bucky's shoved down into the seat and he doesn't bother struggling. The guards strap heavy restraints on his wrists, connected to the tabletop, and to his ankles, connected to the legs of the cold metal chair. His hair hung down to his chin and it was all tangled and knotted, in desperate need of a wash. He hated the dark blue prison-approved clothes that strapped uncomfortably close against his chest and buttoned near his neck, which only reminded him of rougher times. When he was the Winter Soldier.

Which was what this was all about, of course.

He raises his head once the guards step back to see Steve sitting there. He straightens up in the uncomfortable chair and looks at him. Before he can open his mouth to talk to him one of the guards speaks up, looking at Steve.

"This is the man that attacked you?"

Steve was looking at him and Bucky looks back, despair in his eyes. He was scared. Nothing much scared Bucky; not much except for the thought that Steve would leave him one day.

"My name is Bucky," the brunette croaks before Steve can speak up. "Please, Steve, you can't leave me here." Why did he say leave him? Bucky wasn't too sure.

"Will he be safe here?" Steve demands and Bucky squirms in the seat. Don't leave me alone, don't leave me alone, don't leave me alone.

"He's going to be taken care of," the guard drones and Steve looks at Bucky. They both knew that that had two meanings.

Yet, Steve didn't seem to question it. "You have to make sure he's safe. He has to be okay."

Then Steve starts getting up and Bucky could feel panic rising in his throat. "Steve, please, I can't do this." Can't do what? Bucky didn't even know what he was rambling about, but he had started rambling. "Please don't leave me," he begs and Steve pauses. He faces him again and puts on his brave smile for him and Bucky's heart sinks. He had seen that smile before. He strains to move his hands but of course, he couldn't.

"I promise you'll be fine without me," Steve says softly and rubs his hand. Bucky watches him with wide eyes. Don't leave me, don't leave me.

But Steve was leaving and Bucky was trying to move. "No," he says faintly, he knew that as soon as Steve stepped out that door that's when he would crumble for good, that's when his goose would be well and truly cooked. "Steve, don't leave me," he begs, watching his best friend walk out. But he looked back, and Bucky shrivels up inside when he sees it. Steve wasn't coming back. He was leaving him. The blonde turns for the last time and walks out the door.

Bucky always thought he was a master at accepting fate; it was all he'd known with HYDRA. But for some reason, he couldn't accept it in his current situation. Out of all the people Bucky could handle leaving him, Steve was the last on the list. He couldn't lose him.

"Please!" Bucky screams, squirming, and the guard snaps a shock collar around his neck. He trembles and squeezes his eyes shut as the first shock jolts through his body, then more and more, the pain was killing him, or at least that's what he wished, until everything went black.


Bucky wakes with a cry and sits upright, hugging his arms close to his body. He was shaking terribly. He looks over, expecting to see Steve sleeping beside him, it was just a dream, it was just a dream.

Only, it wasn't just a dream. Steve wasn't there.

Bucky looks around wildly, his heart racing, beating out of control. Did Steve leave him? The brunette gets to his feet and after a few minutes of panicked searching around their room he pokes his head out. No sign of the blonde.

Running his fingers through his hair, he tries to calm himself down. His head was beginning to pound and he shuts his eyes tightly. He was having a panic attack.

They were more common back in the forties when the war was going on; there was so much to be worried about. He thought he had been over it for some time now, but of course, this wasn't the case.

His breathing was uneven so he tried to calm it down, and his mind thought that usually Steve was so good at calming him down, which only made him panic more. His mind was burning through all of his go to 'what-if' questions to the point where what his mind came up with next was simply ridiculous and would obviously never happen, those type of scenarios that he hated to rationalize.

Bucky ends up curling into a ball on the top of the bed, his metal hand clutching his tangled hair tightly while his right clenched and unclenched into a fist while he tried to remember how to breathe.


The brunette opens his eyes but doesn't move, he was a shaking mess and the room was spinning and shrinking all around him, closing in on him. He felt sick.

"Bucky, what's wrong?" Steve says urgently and the brunette doesn't answer, just opens and closes his mouth a few times then swallows. Steve climbs onto the bed with him and holds him close then rubs his back gently.

"Hey, you're okay, sweetheart, you're okay," Steve soothes and Bucky takes a few deep breaths.

"Where were you?" He chokes and Steve sighs.

"Bathroom. What happened?"

"I j-just had a bad dream and you left and - "Bucky swallows and buries his face in Steve's shoulder. "You left me," he continues shakily, wrapping his arms around the blonde almost protectively.

"I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. I'm with you until the end of the line," Steve says softly and Bucky smiles a little, his breathing becoming more even. He sighs slowly and relaxes against Steve. It takes almost twenty minutes for him to calm down.

"Please don't leave?" Bucky murmurs sleepily, both of them lying down in bed twenty minutes later.

"I won't leave you. Okay? I promise," Steve says quietly and Bucky curls close against him, giving his head a small nod.


So Steve kept that promise, until the end of the line. The pair were together for the rest of their lives, and Steve never left Bucky.


So I think this is roughly what you meant. Let me know if I got it spot on or way off, or right in the middle, please.

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