Mute-Bucky, Deaf-Steve

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Steve walks into Starbucks, his hands shoved into his jacket pockets. He looks up at the board and thinks on what he should order, and how to order it. See, Steve was deaf, so he could talk no problem, just didn't know the volume that he talked at. He knew ASL, however, so that was helpful. His best friend Clint Barton taught him.

He sees a brunette in the back, his long hair pinned back into a tiny ponytail. Steve stares at him when he sees him turn around. The brunette was pale with long eyelashes that brushed against his sharp cheekbones, his eyes were stormy grey-blue. He wore a soft smile but Steve could tell he seemed to be the more reserved type.

"Hi, sir, can I help you?" A man asks, his nametag read Star-Lord and beneath that read Peter. Steve swallows before slowly starting to speak in sign language. Peter watches him, frowning before grabbing the brunette and talking to him quietly.

What would you like, sir? The brunette signs fluently to Steve, who stops and reads his nametag quickly. Bucky.

Can I please get an ice cap? Steve replies thankfully, his relief apparently shows on his face because Bucky smiles gently at him.

No problem, buddy. He replies before making his order. Steve puts his arm to his mouth, coughing slightly. Not only was he deaf, he had asthma.

Bucky kept glancing at the blonde as he made the drink. He fascinated the brunette; his looks and his mannerisms, even though he couldn't hear. Bucky felt a pang of pity for him; he could see the world but couldn't hear what was going on around him. Saw the band but couldn't hear the music. He swallows and finishes making drink. His co-worker dings the bell but Bucky shakes his head at him, knowing the blonde wouldn't hear the announcement that his drink was ready.

He himself goes up to the blonde, who was staring out the window. He taps his arm and Steve jumps, he looks over at Bucky, who makes a motion of drinking. Steve nods, mouths 'thanks', pays for his drink and carries it over to a table by a window. Bucky watches him quietly, and, overcome with curiosity, he takes his break and approaches the silent blonde.

May I? Bucky signs, before gesturing to the seat across from the blonde. Steve nods and covers his mouth, coughing again. He nods and takes a sip of his drink.

So what's your name? Bucy signs curiously, tilting his head a little. Steve makes eye contact and Bucky finds himself staring a little; he'd be lying to himself if he said that the blonde wasn't handsome.

Steve, Steve Rogers. Steve replies, Bucky nods.

It's a pleasure. He nods at him, leaning back a little in his seat. Steve smiles a little.

So, how do you know sign language? The blonde signs, coughing hastily again. He'd need to take a puff of his inhaler pretty quick.

Mute. Comes the reply, Bucky shrugs a little. Steve looks down, considering this, before meeting his eyes again.

I'm sorry. He signs, Bucky shakes his head.

Don't be. There had to be some reason for us to meet, right? He signs slowly, a shy smile growing on his face. Steve blushes a little and sucks on his inhaler, sighing quietly afterwards.

Asthma? The brunette signs, looking at him. Steve nods, taking a sip of his drink. Bucky nods.

They talk for a while longer and connect. Soon Bucky's shift ends but they stay at the table, chatting through ASL. A feeling flitted through them, a special one, one that's not felt everyday. Bucky asked Steve out. The blonde agreed.

It went like this for months; Bucky asking, or Steve asking, and the dates usually took place at Starbucks or the movies. They didn't need to speak to communicate; the feelings they had, and that connection they share was enough.

Hey Steve? Bucky signs, Steve tilts his head and gestures for him to go on.

I think I love you. Bucky signs, a shy grin on his face. Steve's smile grows and his response was quick.

I think I love you too, Bucky. He signs, looking up at him and grinning. Bucky smiles and pulls Steve in for a kiss; the pair kiss passionately.

Several years later, the two got married. Clint was Steve's best man, and a friend Bucky had, Sam Wilson, was his. It was a sweet reception, but somewhat difficult to put into action. They figured out a way, though. They lived for a long time; Steve reached the age of ninety five and Bucky made it to ninety seven. They lived full, happy lives.

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