Number Thirteen- Popping Out Like Daisies

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Steve peers around the corner and smirks a little to himself. He crouches back down behind the couch and listens.

Bucky saunters by and Steve jumps up, shouting Bucky's name. Bucky yelps and springs backwards, one hand clutching his chest. Steve starts laughing and Bucky scowls, he swallows and gets his breath back.

"Your face!" Steve laughs, leaning back and laughing even more. Bucky scowls and shoves his shoulder.

"Shut up, you punk. This means war, you know." He informs after Steve's quieted down a little. The blonde raises an eyebrow and Bucky crosses his arms.

"Oh, really?" Steve taunts, crossing his own arms. Bucky lifts his head slightly to look him in the eyes. The blonde was slightly taller than him.

"Yes, really." The brunette replies with a dangerous smirk. Steve nods at him.
"Okay, you're on." Steve says and Bucky smirks. He pats him on the shoulder before sauntering off. And Steve wonders just what he's gotten himself into.


The day continued and Bucky hadn't done anything at all. He seemed to have forgotten about their 'war', but Steve knew better. The brunette was planning something, he just didn't know what. He jumped out at him again and Bucky had the same surprised reaction but didn't get him back yet. Steve was getting suspicious.


The next day Bucky was gone. They searched around and couldn't find him at all.

"What's got you so jumpy?" Nat frowns as she looks at Steve, who was trying to read a book. She only knew he was jumpy from the way his knee bounced. He looks up at her and shakes his head.

"I'm not jumpy." He lies. He was really just anxious that Bucky would suddenly pop out like a daisy, to put it. She gives him a look and puts a hand on her hip. He sighs and puts his book down.

"He's winning, isn't he." Steve scowls and Nat raises an eyebrow.

"We're having a scare war." He explains and she nods.

"Psychological." She says simply. And that was what Bucky was doing. He knew Steve would think he was there somewhere, hiding, when actually he'd left to get a coffee. He was gonna win this.

"Oh. But I swear he's hiding somewhere, he can't be anywhere else... unless he actually left the tower." Steve sighs, realization dawning on him. Nat nods.



Bucky comes back and sneaks around the corner, peering at Steve. He smirks and jumps on him, shouting, "I win!" As loud as he could. Steve shouts in surprise and falls off the couch and Bucky bursts out laughing.

"I win! Oh, that was amazing." He chuckles, clutching his stomach as he laughs. Steve huffs and rolls his eyes, he shoves Bucky's shoulder.

"Jerk." He huffs.

"Punk." Bucky retorts but grinning. Steve rolls his eyes and gives an exasperated sigh but cracks a grin. Bucky claps him on the shoulder.

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