Liars Liars

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Steve sits quietly in his seat in the movie theater, a basket of popcorn in his lap. He was alone, but he told himself he was okay with that. He observes everyone around him; families trying to hush their kids before the movie started, couples whispering and holding hands and kissing. Steve looked back down at his lap and sighed to himself. At least he had popcorn.

His problem wasn't he couldn't find anyone. He was the woman's ideal of tall, blonde, muscular and quote on quote manly. One problem with that; he was gay.

As the chatter continues a young woman comes up the aisle and sees him. With a flirty smile on her face she stopped in front of the seat beside him, at the edge of the aisle.

"Is this seat taken, stranger?" She coos and Steve shuffles a little.

"S-sorry, ma'am, yes it is," he lies quickly and curses inwardly. He'd come alone to see this movie. Her smile widens slightly. She had dirty blonde hair in waves down her shoulders, dark brown eyes and a small smirk on her lips.

"I see. What's your name, love?" She asks in a soft tone, he shuffles again and nearly spills his popcorn.

"Uh, Steve," he answers, he was blushing profusely.

"Sharon. Pleased to make your acquaintance," she purrs, she leans down a little, exposing her cleavage. Steve's face was burning and nobody seemed to notice his predicament.

Bucky walks into the movie theaters, a drink clasped in one hand as he walked up the aisle. He looked around for an empty seat; he'd gotten there late and the theater's policy was if you can find a seat and pay, you're in, so he needed a spot soon before it became overly packed.

The brunette spots a seat left and heads over. As he gets closer he frowns as he sees a young woman leaning over an obviously flustered man. Bucky gets an idea suddenly. He walks up the aisle towards them.

"Hey, babe, I got the drink," he says casually to the man, who looks at him. The woman does too.

"Who are you?" Sharon asks, frowning a little and wrinkling her nose at the brunette.

"Danny, you didn't mention me to your new friend?" Bucky pouts, glancing at Steve, who luckily had caught on.

"Sorry. Sharon, this is Lewis, Lewis, Sharon," he comes up with that. Bucky smiles coldly at Sharon.

"Thanks for saving me a seat," Bucky purrs, plopping down into the seat beside the blonde. Sharon looked obviously flustered now; she touched up her hair, straightened up.

"You said your name was Steve," Sharon frowns at the blonde. Bucky tsks and gives him a look.

"My boyfriend's always trying to model himself after his favorite movie character," he says lightly and Steve nods, looking at Sharon.

"Well, he is awesome," Steve shrugs and Bucky leans in a little, humming something.

"Am I?"

"Of course, love," Steve replies and Bucky smiles. Sharon, without another word, heads up and takes her seat. Right behind them.

Steve breathes out slowly and Bucky glances at him. He rests his head on his shoulder.

"Sorry 'bout this but just act natural," he whispers then leans back as the lights go out and the movie starts up. Steve's heart was racing a mile a minute; that had been stressful. Bucky could tell that Sharon's eyes were burning into them so he kept up the act. They had to, and besides, those years of acting school hadn't been for nothing.

Sharon leaned forwards in the middle of the movie, close to their heads, and Steve tensed a little.

"I don't know who you are, Lewis, but I don't believe you," she hisses and Bucky shares a glance with Steve.

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