Colourful Emotions

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I'm doing the top one, not the three am one. Enjoy :)


Bucky meanders into the coffee shop, tucking his hands into his fluffy sweater pockets. Bucky was a fairly small fellow, only five foot seven. Short for a twenty-five year old, to say the least. His hair was chin-length and dark chocolate brown, and his eyes were large and bluish grey. Despite his height, he was a pretty normal guy. He was like everybody else, even down to the strange fact about his hair.

In his day and age, people's hair changed depending on their mood. Jealousy would be green, yellow would be happy, and so on. However when you were just content, it went back to its original colour, so in Bucky's case, dark brown.

He steps into line and quietly looks up at the board, trying to decide on the coffee he wanted.

Because he wants to look mature, he orders a black coffee. With no sugar. Usually, he loved adding sugar and cream to his coffee to uplift the taste, but he wanted to try something different.

He reaches the front of the line and when he's asked what he wants, he opens his mouth to respond but his eyes travel towards the back, where a tall blonde was working on another customer's order. Bucky freezes.

This tall blonde, Bucky thought, was extremely handsome. He looked strong and his blonde hair was kept short and brushed off to the side. The brunette starts blushing bright pink and his hair turns that bright pink shade, coming from the roots of his hair down. Scientists still weren't too sure how that worked.

The blonde turns and Bucky swallows, but doesn't look away. He figured he should probably stop staring.

Steve turns and gives the customer their order with a smile. Then he notices someone staring at him.

Bucky stares at him, his face as flushed as his locks. The man at the till taps his shoulder, still waiting for his order.

"Sir?" He says and Bucky blinks then looks at him, still flushed pink. His eyes flicker back to the blonde before looking to the man at the till. His nametag read 'Clint'.

"S-sorry, what?" Bucky asks, sounding distracted. Clint hides his half grin. He saw stuff like this every day. He follows his gaze to Steve in the back, stirring some other drink.

"How 'bout I take your order then you can talk to him? His break is in fifteen minutes," Clint prompts and Bucky blushes even more, looking red in the face, an almost deeper shade for his hair. He nods shyly and Clint smiles. "So what can I getcha'?"

"Uhm... Just a black coffee, thanks," Bucky replies, watching the blonde glance back at him. Was he imagining it, or did his blonde hair take on a pinkish tinge? Bucky ducks his head bashfully and Clint rings up his order.

He hands over some cash -- he preferred it over card -- then continues down the line.

Clint steps back and taps Steve's shoulder. "Hey, that guy kind of likes you," he comments off-handedly and Steve smiles softly, glancing at him briefly. Bucky's hair was still pink, but it was slightly fading.

Steve starts making Bucky's order, starting to blush slightly himself. He thought he was simply adorable.

He finishes up with the drink and hands it over to the brunette, who instantly starts blushing again when he sees him, going bright red. He looked like a beacon.

"Thank you," he says shyly, tugging on a strand of his hair. Steve smiles and nods.

"Hey, uh, I'm on break in a couple minutes. Would you maybe wanna hang out or something?" He asks with a small smile, Bucky gives his head a nod.

"That'd be... Really cool, yeah. I'll just, um, be over there," he stumbles over his words before taking his drink and shuffling over to a small round table next to a wide window. He swore he was going to die of embarrassment.

He sighs as he takes a seat and flops his head onto his arms, still blushing terribly red.

"He's so cute," Clint whisper squeals to Steve, a giddy grin on his face as he watches the small man. Steve blushes pink, nods in agreement and makes his way over.

Bucky raises his head and notices him then straightens up, trying to fix his hair at least a little. He smiles shyly at the blonde as he takes a seat across from him.

"Hey," he squeaks and clears his throat, blushing all the more. Steve smiles.

"Hey. I'm Steve Rogers," the blonde introduces, offering a hand, which Bucky shakes. He wraps his hands around his cup of coffee.

"Bucky Barnes," he replies shyly and takes a sip of coffee. His face screws up into a sneer when the taste hits him. It was horrible but he forced himself to swallow the terrible coffee. Steve hides a chuckle and Bucky glows pink.

They chat pleasantly for almost an hour. Steve missed some of his next shift, but Clint covered for him. For that, he was grateful. As it turned out, he and Bucky had quite a few things in common, such as their love of art and fascination with some of the world wars.


They tried dating and found that yes, it worked for them. Bucky was still a blushing virgin, awkward, shy, but Steve loved him nonetheless.

"You're so cute," Steve hums while the brunette dances around. He was supposed to be making lunch, but got distracted by music. He loved to dance. The brunette slows to a stop and blushes when he notices Steve watching him, his hair bright pink once more. Steve's was yellow almost all the time, because he was just extremely happy with Bucky.

"Nah," Bucky mumbles quietly, smiling softly. Steve wraps his arms around him and smiles then kisses his cheek. Bucky smiles contentedly and leans against him.

"Yes, you are," Steve reasons and Bucky smiles up at him. "I love you, you know."

"I know. I love you too," Bucky hums, hugging him close.


Right, I finally finished this. What'd you guys think?

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