Cinnamon Challenge

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"So... what's the cinnamon challenge?" Bucky asks warily, watching Tony who had a container of cinnamon in his hand and a dangerous smirk on his face.

"It's just a little contest. You two are gonna try it." He replies and Bucky raises an eyebrow, he glances over at Steve with a 'seriously' expression. The blonde shrugs.

"Come on, please? It'll go well on your video blog, Cap." Tony adds, Steve glances at Bucky. The brunette sighs and sits up, he gingerly takes a seat at the table.

"Get your laptop, Stevie, we're recording this." Bucky states, the blonde sighs.

"Do we have to?" He groans, picking up his laptop and carrying it over to the table, Bucky nods firmly. He liked challenges.

"Okay..." Steve sighs, setting up the laptop. Tony gets the spoons out and the cinnamon, Steve starts the video and Bucky eyes the cinnamon.

"So here we are, about to do the cinnamon challenge. Wish us luck." Steve says, taking a seat. Tony hands them spoons filled with cinnamon.

Steve glances at Bucky who nods, and together they pour the cinnamon into their mouths. Bucky sits quietly and feels the cinnamon begin to burn his mouth. Steve wrinkles his nose and puts a hand over his mouth, Bucky coughs and cinnamon spills from his mouth.

He continues to cough and his face goes red, Steve makes a gagging sound but tries to swallow it. Tony was laughing his butt off at them, he goes to the sink and fills up two glasses of water. Bucky grabs his hurriedly and downs it, swishing the water around his mouth.

"No good, s' no good!" He pants, shaking his head and panting. Steve was still going, face red and trying to swallow.

"You got this, babe." Bucky cheers once he can breathe again, clapping him on. Steve tries holding it in but cinnamon bursts out and he gags, Bucky hands him the water and Steve takes it quickly, he swallows and shakes his head.

"Nope." Steve coughs and swallows. Tony chuckles and shakes his head at the pair. The blonde ends the video soon and Tony chuckles.

"That was no fair." Bucky grumbles, smacking Tony's arm. Tony sticks his tongue out at him and Bucky scowls.

"Well, you two did alright in my books. You beat Barton, any way." He shrugs before sauntering off. Bucky rolls his eyes and Steve sighs.

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