Captive- Bucky, Boyfriend-Steve

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Here's a one shot requested by @Spideymanandloki, so I hope it's enjoyed. This is for you, Buck. ;)

Bucky's head jolts up with a gasp, coughing and choking as ice cold water drenches him. He shakes his head and his wet brown hair goes flying. He tries to rub some water out of his eyes only to find that his arms were tied down. He looks around to try to figure out where he is and is sickened by what he finds. Looking up he sees a familiar metal mask above him and his mouth goes dry.

"Pleased to see you back, Winter. Took a while to get to you." Alexander Pierce hums, leaning forward in his seat into Bucky's face. The brunette visibly pales and leans back away from him, swallowing deeply.

"N-no, no, this isn't real." Bucky stummers, Pierce watches him patiently.

"Yes, this is real, Winter. Welcome home." Pierce hisses, smirking dangerously at him. Bucky strains his arms against the restraints, his metal arm whirring. He shouts out in frustration, calling Pierce every foul name under the sun. He simply smiles at him dangerously.

"Ready the needles." He says before getting up and sauntering out, leaving Bucky cursing behind him. He didn't want to wipe his memory, not yet, just experiment a little, see how strong he was since last time.

Day one. Bucky began to stare off as they pumped his viens with drugs, going vacant once more. The only thing he thought of was Steve. His name, everything about him, forcing himself to remember everything about him.

Day two. Bucky began having vivid nightmares and hallucinations, it was often for him to murmur to himself, most it either Romanian, Russian, Japanese, or German. Rarely English. He murmured facts to himself.

Day three. Bucky had gained back at least a little bit of control and snagged a small knife. When he was left alone in that place he took the knife in his left hand and shakily carved Steve's name into his forearm, so that if he did forget at least he would have his name with him. He cut deep enough for it to scar, the letters were scrawled and messy but he could still read it.

Day four. He tried to escape and all that did was result in a whipping. Bucky had screamed until his throat gave out and blood was everywhere.

Day five. Bucky was nearly gone inside himself and they were considering wiping him. He sat silently, and only mouthed what he had been murmuring for so long. Occasionally when the pain got to be too much he cried out, he screamed and called out for Steve. He misses him so much.

He sits dully and he hears an alarm go off, he blinks slowly. Thoughts of being rescued passed him by days ago; he knew he was doomed and Steve wasn't coming so why bother fighting Hydra? Why not just give in?

Something smashes into the metal door with a clang and Bucky flinches, glancing over. It clangs again and Steve's shield cuts through the metal door, then a gloved hand grabs the edge of the broken metal and slowly pulls the door apart. Bucky stares vacantly forwards, his green-blue eyes looked dulled and cloudy and he shivered constantly.

"Bucky. Oh my gosh. No." Steve breathes, racing over to his side. Bucky stares blankly ahead, blinking slowly when Steve unclasps the bindings. He puts his hands on his shoulders and looks anxiously into Bucky's face.

"Buck. Do you remember me?" He asks quietly, Bucky meets his eyes and frowns a little. Then he looks down at his lap.

"Your mom's name is Sarah, an' you used to put newspapers in your shoes." He says softly, his voice hoarse and weak. Steve swallows and nods.

"Can you stand?" He asks quietly, Bucky licks his lips but doesn't respond. Steve helps lift him up and picks him up bridal style, he grabs his shield, puts it on his back before carefully stepping out the door. Bucky's head rolls onto his shoulder, he was in bad shape; his skin was pale and waxy, his eyes were bloodshot and his face was sunken, he was thin, and frail.

"You're gonna be fine, baby. I promise." Steve whispers, Bucky doesn't even have the strength to nod. His eyes slip shut and a weak moan escapes his lips as pain wracks his body. The blonde holds him close and kisses the top of his head, still on the move.

He slides Bucky onto the front of his bike and Steve sits behind him and Bucky's head rests on the blonde's shoulder.

"Just hang in, sweetheart." Steve whispers worriedly, Bucky blinks tiredly. He starts his bike, puts his helmet on Bucky and drives off. It takes them several hours to get back home.

He stops the bike and climbs off, picking the brunette up easily. He sighs at how light he is. Steve pushes the door open and lays Bucky on the couch. The brunette stirs a little and his eyes slide open, at first unfocused they find Steve's face and focus in.

"Steve... Steve." Bucky breathes, the smallest smile resting on his face. The blonde nods and kneels beside him, he runs his hands through his hair.

"Hey, baby. It's me." He says gently, Bucky's eyes slide back out of focus. He swallows.

"'M not... not dead." Bucky murmurs, his eyes sliding shut once more. Steve strokes his hair gently.

"You're gonna be fine, Bucky." He assures, Bucky nods slowly and blinks. Steve starts making some soup for him, Bucky remains silent. Steve comes back with a bowl of chicken soup. He hands it to Bucky and the brunette sits up with difficulty, he stirs it around with his spoon but doesn't bother eating. Steve watches him quietly. The brunette looks up at him finally, meeting his eyes.

"Steve, I'm... 'm not... normal, am I, I'm not..." he pauses, frowning. He clenches his left fist tightly and glares down at it. The blonde watches him silently, tilting his head a little.

"I'm a monster. I've killed so, so many." He whispers harshly, his voice starting to tremble. Steve rests his hand on Bucky's knee, which was bouncing anxiously.

"Listen to me, Buck. You. Are. Not. A. Monster. By any stretch. They programmed you, yes, but you know what? You fought back. And you got away. I'll love you no matter what, baby, I just hope you know that. 'Til the end of the line means 'til the end of the line. You're stuck with me." Steve says quietly, smiling kind of teasingly at him at the end as he lightens the mood. The brunette looks up at him quietly, blinking hard. He sucks in a sharp breath and nods a little.

"Okay." He whispers quietly, his eyes shining with unshed tears. Steve wraps his arms around him and Bucky leans into the touch, before he clutches him tightly, like he's the only thing keeping him alive.

"I got you." Steve murmurs, rubbing his back gently, and Bucky begins to cry. He buries his face into Steve's neck and sobs, soaking his shirt and skin. He sniffs and only cries harder as he considers how lucky he is, how much in love he is with the American man with the shield. Steve kisses the top of his head lightly and Bucky clings to him, his face red and splotchy, his eyes bloodshot and puffy.

Bucky cries himself to sleep and Steve just holds him close, he didn't want to lose him again. He wanted him to be safe, and f*** it all if he couldn't keep him safe. He could try.

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