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Bucky watches Steve quietly, sighing a little. He wanted him so badly. Wanted to be with him, wanted to be able to love him.

He couldn't tell him, though. Could he?

Steve paints quietly, utterly oblivious to Bucky's inner struggles. The brunette swallows and taps him on the shoulder lightly. The blonde turns and looks at him, Bucky smiles awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck.

"What's up?" He asks and Bucky shuffles a little.

"Okay, uh..," Bucky trails off and purses his lips briefly.

"You can tell me anything," Steve reminds and Bucky nods a little.

"Yeah. I, uh, I... want... a partner," he says carefully and Steve watches him quietly. "Like a guy or girl, doesn't matter, just someone," he laughs awkwardly, his face bright red. Steve smiles softly.

"Alright," he simply says and Bucky sighs softly, half in relief, half in frustration. He still hadn't told Steve he liked him.

"So, what's your type?" Steve asks and Bucky stares blankly at him while he thinks. He couldn't tell him, not now. But... maybe he could?

"Well, um... Really caring," he says carefully, mulling over his words. He was going to try to describe Steve without being too overly obvious. "And sort of... tall? Oh and, um, really passionate about... uh, stuff," he mumbles, obviously losing his train of thought, simply making it worse.

"Tall, nice and passionate?" Steve clarifies and Bucky nods quickly. "I can help you find someone," Steve suggests and Bucky simply shrugs.

"Sounds good."


Steve drags him out of the house and Bucky slowly regrets his decision. He should've told him, straight up.

They come across dozens of people and Steve acts as the wingman for Bucky. A tall brunette girl, her name was Candy, is introduced to Bucky. Sweet, but still - she wasn't sweet like Steve was. A boy named Dustin, shy and polite. He wasn't like Steve. They meet several others; a burly redhead boy, tough as a nail with a face to match his personality. A small, blonde girl smothered in tattoos, blue eyes the colour of the sky. A dark-skinned boy with shaggy brown hair, with thickly rimmed glasses and a sweet smile. Still, none of them peaked Bucky's interest.

"Nobody, Buck?" Steve asks and Bucky slumps down into the booth of the table in the mall they were looking around in. He rests his head on his arms and sighs softly, biting his lip.

"Nobody. Well, thanks anyway, Steve," Bucky mumbles and looks up at him. God, he wanted to kiss him. Steve looks back and offers a small smile.

He straightens up a little, suddenly, an idea starting to form. He knew what to do.

Taking a breath, he looks at Bucky again. "I think I've found someone for you, Buck."

Bucky sighs. "Steve, I really don't think..."

"Please? I think they're interested," Steve insists and Bucky looks at him. Steve was giving him puppy eyes. Of course he was.

"Okay," Bucky reluctantly agrees, sitting up. Steve smiles and gets up.

"Be right back. Stay put," he orders and Bucky sinks back into his seat, nodding slowly.

Steve disappears around the corner, his heart racing. He had a crush on Bucky for the longest time. He had always been there for him, and he was just so attractive. Maybe now he would be able to tell him.

Bucky sits quietly, playing with his fingers, disappointed in himself. He should've just told him. What good was beating around the bush?

Steve returns shortly and Bucky sits up, confusion on his face.

"Steve, where's..?" He pauses as it dawns on him that Steve was, in fact, the person interested in him. The blonde pushes his hands into his pockets, starting to blush.

"Well, um, I'm interested," he speaks shyly and Bucky stares at him, a grin spreading over his face, his heart skipping a beat. "I like you, Buck."


"Yeah," Steve agrees, rubbing the back of his neck. Bucky smiles and gets up as well.

"I - I was trying to describe you," he confesses and Steve raises his eyebrows teasingly. "When I was explaining my type."

"That was your flirting?" Steve says with a chuckle and Bucky burns red.

"I tried," he sighs and smiles shyly at him. Steve smiles.

"I think it's cute," he croons and Bucky blushes red.


Well, after that, they decided to make it become official. They became boyfriends and Steve loved to tell the story of how they decided to be a couple. Everybody loved to hear it, but no one more than Bucky.

They were happy together for years.

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