Let's get down to business, to write some new tag🎵. I was tagged by my pal halosaximus to do this and of course there are more rules to state. You've gotta answer all the questions, you can't skip the tag and lastly, have fun. Okay.
1- First Fandom you joined? I think Marvel was my first. Either that, or Pirates of the Caribbean. Though that was before I even knew about fandoms and ships and all that.
2- When'd you join Wattpad? I think I joined last year in April, maybe a few days after my birthday, I'd guess?
3- Favourite colour? This is such a simple question. Again, I love blue.
4- Dan or Phil? This is impossible to answer. I love them both.
5- Marvel or DC? Marvel. 100% I do like Harley Quinn and the Joker, though, in DC. And Oliver Queen, but that is it.
6- Why did you start writing fanfiction? Why? I saw all the great work that everyone had done and it was the time that I was just discovering Stucky. I read some amazing Stucky fanfictions and just decided to try my hand at my own.
7- Who inspired you to make stories? I'd definitely say spideymanandloki, xCrossbonesx, professional_dreamer, BlitheBells. They were my major role models starting out. Still to this day.
8- Favourite celebrity crush? Hoo boy. I love Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Andrew Scott, ScarJo... there are too many. David Tennant is a cutie. I also like Simon Pegg. Too many.
9- Real name? *le gasp* are you guys ready for this huge reveal? Drum roll, please...
It's Sarah. Ta-da.
So anyway. There we go. I gotta tag people now, eh? spideymanandloki, Superhero_Nerd_Steph, Frostbite360, and SamaelLeviathan. Not too many because I don't wanna burden everyone. I still love you all, guys. 😊 thanks, everyone.

Stucky One Shots
أدب الهواةHere's a collection of Stucky One Shots. Good, bad, sweet, cute, angsty and sad, I'll try to pack some of each. I don't own any main characters, it's all Marvel's amazing people. EDIT: As the story progresses, generally my writing progresses, as I'...