If I Ain't Got You Part 2 {Brian Cushing}

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Everywhere I'm looking now

I'm surrounded by your embrace

Baby, I can see your halo

You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more

It's written all over your face

Baby, I can feel your halo

Pray it won't fade away

Halo- Beyonce 

Brian feels better now. He has been drinking a lot more water. I was still worried about him but, he continued to prove to me that he is better and will stay hydrated. On top of me worrying about Brian, I have to take care of our 2-year-old, Justin James. Also, I have been getting morning sickness which I am totally convinced it is because of all the stress. But a small part of me feels like I'm pregnant. 

I mean it all adds up. I felt just like this when I was pregnant with JJ.


Sore boobs.

Morning Sickness.

Weird food cravings. 

Missed period. 

I am not nervous or scared about possibly being pregnant again. At least not like the first time. I know how much Brian wants another kid. He expresses it every day. But I still need to take a pregnancy test and go to the doctor because I don't want to tell him and not be pregnant. 

I took JJ with me to the store while I went to go pick up the stick to see if I was having another one of him. He talked to me the whole time to the store. He was the perfect mixture of Brian and me. 

Being the child he is, JJ asked many questions about what I was picking up and why. I explained it to him, but I'm  not sure if he understood. 

When we returned home, I was nervous about the results. I want another baby. Brian wants one, too. What if J.J doesn't want a sibling? What if he hates me? He's only two. He would love a sibling. 

I took the test. Now I'm pacing around the bathroom. It's time to check now. I'm pregnant. A smile took over my face. Time to do this whole baby processes again. I want to tell someone. I'll tell JJ. I wonder how he'll react. 

"JJ, baby, I want to tell you something."He looked away from his toys and sat on my lap. 

"Yes, mommy?"

"Well baby, Mommy is expecting to have another baby soon. Which means, you'll have a baby brother or sister." I was nervous for his reaction. 

"I'm having a little brother or sister?" I was  about to respond when another voice beat you to it. 

"You're pregnant, babe?" Oh, great Brian's home. 

"Suprise." The shining in his eyes made all my worries go away. Baby #2 was much awaited. 

"Does that mean you and daddy won't love me anymore?
" My  heart dropped when I saw tears in his eyes, and his quivering lip. Brian must have noticed because he jogged over to the two of us and took JJ away from me.

"Of course not bud. Your mommy and I will love you no matter what. You are our little champion. And just because mommy is having another baby doesn't mean that we will stop loving you." I smiled in agreement when I saw JJ look up at me. He smiled at us and I looked at Brian, thanking him silently for saving me from having a breakdown explaining that we would never stop loving him.  JJ looked relieved when he got off of his father's lap and kissed my stomach then both mine and Brian's mouths. 

"Now, can we eat ice cream?" 

How did I get so lucky?

Suprise! I know you didn't exactly request this but, I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry if it wasn't exactly what you wanted! If you want a part 3 or for me to fix this, don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for all of your support!

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