Marry Me {Jimmy Garoppolo}

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Forever can never be long enough for me

Feel like I've had long enough with you

Forget the world now we won't let them see

But there's one thing left to do

Marry Me- Train

Today was the first game of the season. The NFL season that is.  It is my boyfriends first game of the season, Jimmy Garoppolo. Since Tom Brady is suspended the first 4 games, my boy gets to start for those games. He is extremely nervous and has been practicing ALL week long for long hours. I'm just happy that he gets to play and he looks so good while doing it.

I was getting ready for the game by myself because Jimmy left for team warmups a while ago. Looking in the mirror at my Garoppolo jersey and my light blue ripped jeans, I heard a ding come from my phone.

Can't wait to see you lovely! I better hear you screaming for me in the stands. Please be safe, babe. xx

My heart melted at his text. He is the sweetest guy ever.

I will be cheering for you the loudest my love!I love you and can't wait to see you kick butt.

I grabbed everything that I needed for the game and locked the house up before going on my way.

At the game

I was walking to find my seat when I met eyes with Jimmy. He stopped what he was doing and turned his attention to me. He smiled and waved at me before blowing a kiss and turning back to his warm up. I stood staring at him. He's too good to be true.

"Excuse me miss, could you maybe move?"

"Oh! I'm so sorry!"

I moved to my seat next to his brothers and talked until the kickoff started.

It was a fun game.

Jimmy did great. He usually does, but he threw a touchdown! And he passed for 264 yards and I am incredibly proud of him. I ran onto the field to see Jimmy getting interviewed by a sports reporter. I stand behind him and wait for him to finish up. But he looks behind himself for a split second and made eye contact with me. He raised his arm for me to go under and I cuddled into his side while he finished his interview. 

"I see this is your beautiful girlfriend, Felicity. Correct?"

"Well, for now anyway." He laughs. I looked at him with a confused look on my face. 

"Baby, you have been the highlight of my life for the 2 years we have been together. I work harder and harder for you. I want to get better for you. Because you deserve a big house, with your dream car, and your dream dog. You deserve everything. I'm sorry I don't always give it to you, but I do try my best.I would do anything for you. I love you more than anything, and I want to be the dream guy in your dream life. So will my dream girl marry me?"

I watch him get down on one knee with a beautiful smile on his face, and one of his teammates handing him THE ring. My ring. Tears fall down my eyes as I nod my head yes.

 "Yes! Of course!" 

He slides the ring on my finger and picks me up and spins me around. I kiss him and give him a big hug.

 "I love you so much Jimmy G."

"I love you, Angel."


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