XO{Jimmy Garoppolo}

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Your love is bright as ever (ever, ever, ever)

Even in the shadows (shadows, shadows, shadows)

Baby, kiss me (kiss me, kiss me, kiss me)

Before they turn the lights out (lights out, lights out, lights out)

Your heart is glowing (glowing, glowing, glowing)

And I'm crashing into you (into you, into you, into you)

XO- Beyoncé

Jimmy's POV

I wrap my arm around Kylie as we pose for another picture at the ESPY's. I turn to look over at her and see her smiling at the cameras. I smile down at her and we hear a whole bunch of awws. She looks up at me and smiles at me. She quickly pecked my lips before turning back to the cameras.

"You look beautiful," I whispered in her ear. A huge smile appeared on her face, but she focused on the cameras. "I love you more than anything."

She smiled as we finished down the red carpet.

"JIMMY! KYLIE! OVER HERE!" We made our way over to the reporter. "You guys may just have to be the best looking couple here, tonight." we laughed.

"Thank you."

"I'm not kidding. Jimmy, you look incredible, but Kylie, you have this glow to you and it is beautiful." I looked at Kylie. She did have a glow and she is the best-looking person here tonight.

"Thank you so much."

She continued to ask us questions before we decided to go inside and find our seats. We were sat at the table with Tom, Gisele, Coach, his wife, Mr. Kraft, Julian, and Rob. Kylie greets her parents as I greet the guys. We sat down next to each other and the show finally started.

"WELCOME TO THE 2017 ESPY AWARDS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN." I smiled at Kylie who was paying attention and put my hand on her thigh. She jumped a little before turning towards me.

"You know, baby? You look really beautiful right. They weren't kidding about you glow." I winked at her and she giggled.

"Give it a few more months, handsome." She kissed me on my cheek and I smiled at her once more before turning my attention to the ceremony.

After a few more awards were presented, we gave everyone some fake news about having to get away for a while. We went backstage and Kylie was staring into the mirror getting ready.

"Are you ready gorgeous?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." She grabbed onto my hand and we waited for our names to be presented.

"Please welcome, Kylie Brady and Jimmy Garoppolo." We walked out hand in hand. Tom and Gisele looked confused, but everyone was about to find out.

"This is an honor to be able to present this award to someone who means so much to me and has been there for me for forever. This award has never been given to anyone at this ceremony before, so I am so glad that Jimmy and I could do this together."

"We are more than excited to present this and this man really deserves this award. He works hard on and off the field, so can Tom Brady, please come up here?"

He looks at us confused but slowly walks up the stage. Kylie gripped my hand tighter, but I rub circles on her hand.

"Daddy, this award means so much to Jimmy and me, which is why we are so excited to present you with 'Grandfather of the year'."

The whole place went silent as Tom made a confused face towards us. He has no idea.

"Grandfather? What are you guys talking about?"

"Honey! She's pregnant! We're going to be grandparents!" We hear Gisele yell. Kylie and I laugh at her enthusiasm.

"I'm going to be a... omg." He starts to tear up and Kylie hugs him. I can hear her crying too. I rub her back, comfortingly. The venue broke out into cheers for us.

We made our way back to the table, where everyone congratulated us.

I can't wait to start a family with her.

Later that night

"I think that went way better than we hoped. I love you, princess." I give her a kiss on the lips before cuddling up to her.

"I love you, baby."


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