My Girl {Cam Newton}

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I guess you'd say

What can make me feel this way?

My girl (my girl, my girl)

Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

My girl- The Temptations

It was hard sometimes. Having to take care of a three-year-old by myself. Well not exactly by myself.  You see my husband, Cam Newton, had a busy job of being an NFL quarterback. Most of the year, he was practicing and playing football. Other times, he is getting into shape for the next season or doing press. We knew what we were getting into when we decided to have our blessing, Cindy. 

After the SuperBowl, he had been doing some press, but getting ready for the season already. Cindy hates it. I don't like it, but I know that he is doing it because he loves it. 

"Mommy, is daddy ever going to come home?" I hated when she asked questions like that. 

"Well duh, he always comes home to see his favorite girl." I expected to see a big smile appear on her face, but the opposite happened. 

"You, Mommy?" 

"No, you're his favorite girl. Angel, what's wrong?"

"Daddy doesn't love me anymore. He is always gone, mommy. All my friends daddies are always with them. It's not fair! He only calls you and he only talks to me sometimes. He's never here for us mommy. He doesn't love us." At first, I thought that it was a three-year-old temper tantrum, but when she moved further onto my lap and started sobbing in my shirt. 

"Bug, of course, daddy loves you. He loves you so much. He is just on a trip, but he'll be home soon. He does all this for you to be happy. And you may not be happy right now, but you will understand some day. Now how about we go get cleaned up and go out for some ice cream?" She calmed down eventually and we went out to get some ice cream. The whole time I was wondering how I was going to keep her calm for the next week he was going to be gone for. 

We arrived home after one hour of being out. We heard the tv playing and her face lit up when she heard her favorite cartoon character's voice. She started running to the living room when she stopped. I walked to see what she saw. I saw my husband standing by the couch with his signature smile. Cindy looked at me. I smiled at her and encouraged her. But she ran the opposite direction up the stairs to her bedroom. Cam's smile faded away and sent me a confused look. 

"Let's sit down, baby." 

"Why did she run away? Is she okay?"

"She's hurt Cam," his body shot up from the couch, but you pulled him down. "Not physically, emotionally. She thinks you don't love her anymore because you are always gone."  His features became said when he had heard. 

"I love her. She knows I love her. She has to know I love her. I will... I will quit if that's what it takes. I love her.. and you so much. I'm a horrible dad." I immediately sat on his lap and hugged him close. 

"She doesn't hate you. She just misses you, but she's too young to understand. It will be okay. I promise." He looked at me for reassurance. I pulled him up with me to go to our daughter's room. She was sitting on her bed looking down. 

"Baby," she looked up at us then looked back down. We sat on either side of her. "Daddy wants to talk to you, love." 

"Cind, you know that I would never be able to stop loving you. I'm sorry that I'm not always here, but I love you and your mom more than anything. Can you forgive me?" 

"Yes, daddy. I love you too. I love you too, mommy." Cam smiled in relief before the three of us decide that we would go watch The Little Mermaid

"I bet I can beat you guys down the stair!" Your daughter started running while Cam and I laughed before following her down the stairs. 

My perfect little family. 

Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoyed it!

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