Signed Sealed Delivered {Derek Carr}

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Oo baby, here I am, signed, sealed delivered,

I'm yours Here I am baby

Oh, you've got the future in your hand

(signed, sealed delivered, I'm yours)

Signed Sealed Delivered- Stevie Wonder

 Today was a very important day in my career. It was Wrestlemania and I was scared shitless. Honestly. I was going up against Charlotte for her Diva's Champion belt. I was beyond nervous to fight against her. She's really good, no lie. I have been training hard for this, and hopefully, I will be able to pull through. My boyfriend, Derek Carr, is 100% that I am going to come home with the belt, but I can only wish. 

End of match/ After match

I was pretty beaten up, but so was she. If I was able to do my finisher, I will become the WWE's diva. BOOM. That's how quick it went. She was on the floor and I could feel the pain that was taking over her body. I pinned her down. ONE. TWO. THREE. I won. I WON. I was brought up by the referee who lifted my arm up and gave me my new belt. It was all a blur. I went backstage. We shook hands. I did an interview. But when I got to my locker room, that was when the best day of my life was really starting. 

Flower petals covered the floor. Fairy lights covered the walls. My whole locker room was completely decorated in a whole other way. I could hear a familiar song filling the room. It wasn't just any song. It was Derek and I's song. I put down my stuff careful not to mess anything up. I looked around the room for the second time. The only change was my boyfriend was now in the room.

"Before you can say anything, I want to say congratulations. You were a star, baby. I am beyond proud of you. Now for the emotional part. You have been there for me through it all. Through high school, college, the draft, and many more. You have your own dreams, but you still stay with me and help me achieve mine. I thought the NFL was my dream, but then I started waking up every day next to you and I knew you are my dream. I am not the most perfect or stable boyfriend. But I will always be here. And I just want to know if the most beautiful, bravest, smartest girl, who just so happens to be my best friend will marry me?"

I was sobbing at that point. I had always wanted to get married. And I had always wanted to spend the rest of my life with Derek. I couldn't even speak. I nodded. He nodded to make sure I was being serious. A smile broke out on both of our faces as the engagement ring was slipped onto my finger. He kissed me and I was happy than ever before. 

It was meant to be. 

Thank you for the request! I hope you liked it! 

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