Hello {Luke Kuechly}

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Hello from the outside (outside)

At least I can say that I've tried (I've tried)

To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart

But it don't matter. It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Hello- Adele

Luke's POV

I stared at the Instagram profile for what it seemed to be an eternity. I didn't know if I was hurt, happy, angry, or sad. I saw my ex-girlfriend's Instagram. I saw her daughter. She just turned 4 according to Renee's most recent post. We were dating 4-5 years ago. She broke up with me 4-5 years ago. Though I had uncertain feelings, I couldn't deny that they both look absolutely beautiful. I guess she plays NYS football. I really want to be a part of her life if she is my daughter. 

I was sitting in front of her house. I  wasn't sure how I should approach the situation. I didn't know how to explain that I went through hell and back just to find them. I sighed and got out of the car. When I approached the front door, I wondered how she would react. Would she be happy? Angry? Sad? 

I sighed and knocked on the door. I took a deep breath before I saw the girl who broke my heart years ago. She looked so surprised. She stared at me for a while.


"Where is she?"

"Where is who? Why are you here Luke? How did you find me?"

"I know I have a daughter, Renee, Where is she? Why didn't you tell me? She is my daughter, right? "

"What the fuck is wrong with you? We haven't talked in years and you show up at my doorstep questioning about MY daughter."

"Your daughter? I'm pretty sure it takes two to make a baby. And if I did my math correctly you were pregnant with her while you were with me. So you better talk."

"How - how did you even find out about her? How do you know how old she is? How do you know where we live?"

"I found you on Instagram. And your mom told me where you lived. Why did you keep her from me? Why didn't you tell me? Is she mine?"

She sighed and opened her door wider so I could come in. She led me to her living room where I saw a 4-year-old girl playing with some stuffed animals.

"Mommy! You're back. Who is this? Is this daddy? Are you my daddy? He looks like the man in the picture mommy!! Is he? Is he?"

Renee smiled weakly at her daughter and nodded her head. The little girl jumped into my arms and hugged me. I was happy but, I was hurt. 

"My name is Wendy. I am 4 years old." I chuckled at her. 

"I'm your dad"

"I know! This is so exciting! Will you play with me please?" We both looked towards Renee and she nodded her head and made her way out if the room.

I played with her for an hour before Renee came back down.

"Wendy! Baby?"

"Yes, mommy?"

"Grandma is here to pick you up for the weekend. So we have to stop playing."

"Grandma's here? Yay! Bye, daddy!"

She gave me a hug and Renee walked her out to her mom. I stood there for 5 minutes waiting before she walked back in.

"I think you should leave now, Luke."

"I want answers. And I want them now."

"I can't Luke. I'm sorry. I can't."

"I have an idea. Come with me. Please?

She nodded her head and then followed me to my car. I was driving to our old high school where we met. When we arrived, I heard her take a deep breath. I led her to the football field where I asked her out. 

"Talk, please?" I grabbed her hand and she shook her head.

"You won't understand and, I can't explain."

"Help me understand," I begged.

"No, Luke. You don't understand. You don't understand how hard it is to raise a child on you own. You don't understand having to talk about you all the time so, you are not completely out of her life. It is your child.  Luke, I was 19 for goodness sakes. I was 19 when I got pregnant and was 20 when I actually became a mom. You don't understand how much it hurt knowing but, I had to leave. Because deep down, we both know if I had a choice we would be together raising her."

"What do you mean if you had a choice?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Please, baby."

"I told your mom and, she told me that I should just leave you in  college. I thought it would be better for you. Your mom blackmailed me telling me to leave you. I didn't want to I promise. But I had to. You wanted to play professional football. And look you are playing for the Carolina Panthers. You needed to concentrate on your career, not an unborn baby." 

"Baby. I want to be in her life. I want to be in  your life. Please? Let me?"

"I'm sorry. Of course, you can."

"I still love you." I looked into her eyes. 

"I never stopped." I leaned into kiss her. 

"I really missed you."

Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoyed. Keep requesting!

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