Whatever It Takes {Rob Gronkowski}

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I'll do whatever it takes

To turn this around

I know what's at stake

I know that I've let you down.

And if you give me a chance

Believe that I can change

I'll keep us together whatever it takes

Whatever It Takes - Lifehouse

I packed all of my stuff into my suitcases while occasionally wiping my tears so I could see clearly. I looked at my bedside table to see Rob and me on our one year anniversary. He took me to Hawaii for the first time and that's when he told me he loved me as well. I smiled at the memory, but it quickly faded when I thought of more recent memories.

I shook my head and put the picture of us back down. I checked through the bathroom and my closet to make sure that I had everything.

"You really don't have to do this, you know?" I heard from behind me. I turned around quickly and of course, Rob was there.

"You broke up with me! What do you mean I don't have to do this?"

"You don't have to leave. I could."

"With all due respect, I don't want anything to do with you anymore. You wanted to break up so now we're over. Don't call or text me saying that you miss me because you made your bed, now sleep in it," I seethed before grabbing my bags and pushing past him.

Two years later

I was walking around the mall, pushing the two-seat stroller that I had recently bought. I walked into Carters to find a new outfit for my babies to wear to their birthday party in two weeks. I was searching through the pants when I heard the dreaded voice. My hands stopped moving and I slowly turned around to see the last person that I wanted to see.


"Rob," I said short and simply, hoping he would go away.

"How are you?"

"Rob, I really don't have the time to be doing small talk."

"I-I just, uh, I..." he stuttered through his sentence making me feel bad.

"I'm doing fine. How are you?"

"I'm doing alright. I'm actually retired now."

"Yeah, I've heard the news."

"Uh, who are the babies? They're really cute, yeah?"

"Yeah, they're ours," I said casually while looking at the little shoes.

"Excuse me?" He said confused. "Ours?"

"Yeah, I found out I was pregnant after we broke up and -"

"So you decide to be petty and not tell me?" He asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

"No, I didn't tell you because I told you not to call me after we broke up so I didn't want to be a hypocrite."

"Kowsar," he sighed out disappointed.

"Look, I know that I should have told you. It was petty of me not to call. What can we do about it?"

"I want to be in their lives," he declared and when I was about to protest, he cut me off. "I want to make things right between us. I should have never broken up with you because you are my best friend, my biggest supporter, and the love of my life. It was the worst decision I have ever made, but I want to make up for it."

I stared him down to make sure he was Bri g serious. He bit his lip nervously and I sighed quietly. I looked over at the twins and back at him.

"We have a whole family now. You can't just leave because you want to."

"I know, I know. And I'll do whatever it takes to make things right again."

"Okay," I gave in and saw relief in his eyes.

"Really?" He asked excited. I nodded my head and let a little smile out.

"Only because you said I was the love of your life."


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