I'll Show You {AJ McCarron}

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Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing

When the pressure's coming down like lightning

It's like they want me to be perfect

When they don't even know that I'm hurting

I'll Show You - Justin Bieber

Practice had just ended. It was a lot of work today, but I love my job. I am a cheerleader for the Cincinnati Bengals. Not a lot of people consider cheerleading a sport, but it requires just as much effort as any other sport. The girls and I get along so well, and we are practically sisters. Us girls get along well with the boys on the team also. 

I actually have an eye out for one of the boys. Yes, I know this isn't high school. Yes, I know that sometimes getting associated with the boys you cheer for could end wrong, but I really do like him. Oh yeah him. AJ McCarron, the backup quarterback. It's pretty obvious that I like him. All of the girls know that I like him. One of his teammates had heard our conversations so now he knows. Jeremy Hill. 

I know that sooner or later, AJ will find out but for right now I'm okay with him not knowing. Let me let you in on another secret. One of his teammates, okay maybe more than one, has told me on several occasions that he likes me, but you know how boys are. 

I was on my way to the locker room when I saw him running towards me so I stop and wait for him to catch up.

"Leslie, great job in practice.  You did really good. Not that I was watching you. I was practicing but the play ended and.."

"I get it. Thank you. You did really well also."

"So you were watching me?" A cocky look appeared on his face.

"Not that I was watching you. I was practicing and the cheer stopped." I mimicked him and he started laughing. 

We made our way to the locker rooms and before I made my way into my locker room, he stopped me.

"I know you're a really busy girl, but maybe if you want to go on a date with me sometime. That would be cool. But if you don't want to, I guess that would be cool too."

I laughed and took his hand to calm down the nerves. "Yes, I will." I walked him and I saw him smirking at the ground. Hopefully, this was the right decision.

that night

I stared at myself in the mirror deciding if this was actually the outfit I wanted to wear. I heard the doorbell and took a deep breath. I'm going on a date with the man of my dreams. Breath in. Breath out. I walked to the front door and saw the guy I had been crushing on for a while now.

"You look amazing." I blushed. Why was I so nervous? We have always been really good friends. Just think of him as your friend. I smiled. Let the fun begin. 

The date

We were having a great time, but unlike every great time, all good things come to an end. He went to the bathroom during our meal, when I received a text from my teammate, Hannah. 

Hannah: I'm so sorry to say this, babe. I was hanging out with Andy and I saw his phone. AJ asked you out as a bet. 

My heart stopped. It was a bet. A joke. A game. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I walked out of the restaurant as fast as I could. Why? I didn't know where to go, but I needed to leave. 

"Leslie! Leslie! Where are you going?" I tried to keep going, but he stopped me. "Why are you crying? What's wrong?"

"You think this is funny, huh? Just some sick joke? I wouldn't think a guy like you would do something like this. A bet? Yeah, I know. I can't believe I actually fell for you. I can't believe you would play with my feelings. You can go rot in hell or something. You can go fuck yourself for all I care." I turned to walk away when he grabbed onto my arm again, but quickly let go when I gave him a dirty look. 

"Please let me speak. Yes, I asked you out for a bet, but it doesn't change the fact that I really do like you. You still are beautiful, an amazing cheerleader, smart, brave, and you are so perfect. I'm sorry that I asked you out for a bet, but I really do want us to work out, so if you would give me a chance. We can become friends again, and when you start trusting me, we can see if we work out." 

He pleaded with his beautiful eyes. It hurt, but I will give it a shot. I followed him to the restaurant. I believe that we can make it past this together.  

Thank you for the request! I hope this is what you wanted. Sorry it took a long time! :)

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