My Nose

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Your POV:

My dad and I sat on the couch waiting for the game. "This is the life. Sitting on the couch, waiting for the game to start, having a beer with my daughter."

"That's your life? Life made?"

"I mean there's sitting on the couch with the game on and a beer, but having your daughter next to you? Tops everything." He smiled. "You're gonna have to point out this O'Hara chick to me. Gotta see if she's your type?"

"And what exactly is my "type" dad?"

"You like badasses, who have a soft side. Even before you told us you were gay sweetheart. All the guys you dated? Remember Todd? Rode a motorcycle to school everyday but then we watched Titanic and he cried like a baby?"

"And then rode off into the sunset on his motorcycle." I laughed. They showed the lineups.

"No Megan Rapinoe or Lauren Holiday tonight. Morgan Brian and Kelley O'Hara are stepping in for the US tonight."

Kelley popped up on the screen.

"Oh yeah. She's your type." He said taking a sip of his beer.

"What? How can you even tell that by that 2 second shot of her?"

"That smirk? Yeah honey, she's your type." He looked back at the TV. I shook my head.

Kelley's POV:

It was the 2nd half. We had a corner. Jumped up to get a head on it, hit a head on the way down.

"Ah shit." I grabbed my nose. "Fucking son of a bit" The ball game back towards me. I moved out of the way. "Bitch." I looked at my hand.

The ref notice? No?

Ok. Play on. I jogged down the field.

Your POV:

"There seems to be an issue with Kelley O'Hara." The commentator said. Her face come on the screen.

"Oh my god." I said. She was bleeding. I laughed a little. "She looks psychotic." I said.

She got sent off to get cleaned up and we played down a player.

Kelley's POV:

I changed my jersey and ran to the sideline. "Can I go in now!" The fourth official looked at me.

"You're still bleeding." She sent me back to the trainers. They looked at my face and shoved the cotton up my nose.

Finally I waited again. "Can I go in!" I said.

"Hold on."

The ref waved me back on and I ran onto the field. "Finally! Let's finish this shit!"

A few minutes later, I got subbed out. Christen was going in.

"Finish this shit, Press." I said. She patted my back and ran into the game. I sat on the bench and put ice on my face.

Your POV:

The whistle blew. We won.

"That Kelley girl. She seems like a tough strong woman. I approve."

"Of what? We aren't dating." I picked up the beer bottles.

"But you like her?"

"I don't know dad." I said. "I'm focused on Chicago right now. I don't wanna get cut."

"You won't." He said. "You're too good to get cut."

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