Just a Rookie

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Your POV:

"Get back!" Becky yelled. Australia was attacking. The ball ended up with Sam and she scored. Kelley put her hands on her hips and sighed.

"Hey relax. We got time." I said.

"Haha! Take that Kevin!" Sam ran by.

"Oh suck a dick Sam!" Kelley walked away.

Halftime rolled around with both of us tied at 1.

I walked off the field. "Good first half." Alanna walked up. "Sorry about that tackle." 

"Nah it's ok." I looked at my foot. "Don't think anything is broken." 

She laughed. "I wasn't trying to hurt you. Just know that."

"I get it. It's a big game and we're all competitive. We're footballers. No need to understand." I patted her arm and walked away.

"L/N!" I stopped and turned around. 

"Yeah coach?" Everyone kept walking by but clearly wanted to know what was going on.

"Don't pull that shit again."

"What are you?"

"The free kick. If Tobin's standing over it, Tobin takes it."

"I knew I could score it though." I said. "And I did so what's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal? This is a gold medal match at the Olympics and Tobin is our best player." She said. 

"And what am I? I'm starting to think that you don't have any faith in me. That pisses me off. Tobin let me have it. I scored it. You wouldn't have this conversation if Carli pulled something like this."

"Because Carli isn't a rookie." 

I looked down. "It always come back to the rookie." I sighed. "Got it. I'm an irrelevant rookie who can't do shit. Understand. Way to boost my confidence coach." I walked away. 


"Shut up Caitlin." I walked into the locker room. 

Kelley's POV:

"Y/N looks pissed." Becky leaned over.

"I know." I said. 

"Great first half everyone." Jill walked in. "Really enjoyed what I saw." Y/N scoffed. "You have something to say Y/N?"

"Why does it matter? I'm a rookie remember?" She said untying her cleats.

"Watch yourself. You're already on thin ice."

"Yeah because of some bullshit article that everyone believed instead of me." She looked up. "Really feelin the love from this so called family." 

"Let's step outside."

"No." I stood up. "I'm supposed to be enjoying this experience but I'm not! It was fun at first but now I gotta watch myself cause I might get suspended the minute we land back home. I had so much pressure on me LAST game to score a goal, score one today but I got spoken to by YOU" She pointed at Jill. "For taking the shot."

Jill crossed her arms.

"I may not have as many caps as Carli, or as many goals as Alex, but I'm just as dedicated as them. Ask Dawn. We all had a day off but I went in and made up the day of practice I missed. I even did extra work just to make sure I'd be ready for the game. I may be a rookie, but I'm working my ass off to be the best fucking rookie I can be." She put ice on her ankle. "And Alanna Kennedy almost broke my damn ankle, so back off a little." 

Jill nodded and walked out.

I smiled. "Have I mentioned that I love Y/N today or?" Heather said.

Y/N smiled. 

"You aren't just a rookie to us." Carli said. "Neither are you." She said to me. "And you're just a newborn baby." She looked at Mal. "You believed in yourself when you stepped up to take it. Tobin believed in you too. We believe in each other, we raise each other up while others try to tear us down." She walked around. "Jill sees you as a rookie? Play like a veteran and shut her up. They want to suspend you? Give them a reason to regret that decision." She looked around at everyone. "Want to go home with a gold medal around your neck? Get out there and fight for it." 


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