Remember That Deal?

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Your POV:

It was now 4-2. Own goal. Poor JJ.

We made a sub. Kelley went in for Megan. Her family clapped and cheered for her.

Even Ann.


"I can't wait to go back home." I said. 

"Why? Aren't you having fun? We're up 2 goals in the World Cup final!" My dad said.

"Yeah I'm happy but I don't know. I just feel like I shouldn't be here. Like I'm not welcomed you know?"

He nodded. "I want you here. I love spending time with you." He put his arm on my shoulder. "Whatever's bothering you, you know you can tell me right?"

"I know."

"Good." He looked back at the game. "Now lets get something off this corner."

It missed the goal but Morgan kept it alive, and passed it to Tobin. Tobin shot it. 5-2.

"IT WORKED!" My dad jumped up. They celebrated the 5th goal.

"Yeah Tobs!" I clapped. "There we go!"

The game started to wind down. Tobin and Alex got subbed out, Abby and Christie in.

Stoppage time came up.

3 minutes.

We defended. Kept the ball away from Japan. Never gave up.

The crowd chanted "USA! USA!" The bench was on their feet, standing together.

Finally the ref blew the whistle. Everyone ran onto the field and celebrated. We are world cup champions.

They ran around with flags. Kelley looked up in our direction and blew a kiss, smiling. She looked like she could cry, they all did.

Kelley's POV:

Christen walked over to me. Oh no. Here comes the ass kicking.

"I'm mad at you. Really mad. But we just won the World Cup." Christen hugged me.


"Shut up!" Christen laughed. She looked at me. "Don't think I forgot about the deal. I am gonna kick your ass O'Hara."

She walked away. "Kelley be happy. We're world champs!" Meghan said.

"I'm gonna die."


Your POV:

We were presented with the trophy. The celebrating on the field continued, then they took it to the locker room. Pictures flooded Instagram and Twitter. Vines were posted it was madness.

We left to go celebrate with the fans and everyone's friends and family.

The team walked out. I hugged Christen when she walked over. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." She stepped back. "Why didn't you tell me Kelley has a girlfriend?"

Oh shit.

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