No Questions Just Act

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I'm fucking sick of Allie Long and all her little followers.

Kelley's POV:

We pulled up in front of the house. When we got out of the car we could hear everything. 

The screaming.

Then some banging.

Followed by more screaming.

We walked towards the door. "You two stay right here till I say its ok."

"No, we're going in."

"If something happens to you two I'll never forgive myself." I said. "Y/N will never forgive me either but I wouldn't blame her. Her siblings are her everything, her whole world. You guys are my family now. Stay here." I opened the door. "Y/N?"

I ran upstairs. "Y/N?" I looked in the rooms. "Where are you!" I opened her mom's room. "Y/N?" 

Gabe's POV:

"So." Chloe said. "Kelley O'Hara just called us her family. I'm emotionally unstable."

I rolled my eyes. "You are so lucky I love having a little sister or I'd leave you with another family."

"Just say it, Gabe. You love me." She poked my arm.

"Well I did then you started annoying me."

"GABE!" We heard Kelley. 

"Shit." I ran inside. "Which room!?"

"Your moms!"



I ran into my mom's room.

"Call 911! Don't ask any questions just call!"

I took my phone out.

"DO IT!" 

"911 what's your emergency?" 

Kelley's POV:

"Valerie? It's, Kelley I need you to keep your eyes open ok? Stay with me." I held a shirt to the wound. "Gabe what's going on with the ambulance?"

"They're on their way."

"Good. You see that shirt right there?" I looked at him. He nodded. "I want you to grab it and wrap it around Y/N's arm. Tight ok?"

I picked it up and kneeled in front of my sister. She was frozen. "Hey." I touched her hand. 

She pushed me away. 

"It's Gabe. It's ok." I said. "I'm not gonna hurt you."


"Kelley's with her. It's ok. We'll be ok." I held her hand. "We'll be ok." 

I watched the siblings. "Valerie, can you talk to me?"

"Y/N?" She mumbled.

"She's with Gabe. Everything is ok. Help is coming, just stay with me."

"Trevor?" She asked.

"Who's that? Valerie, who's Trevor?" 

"He did this." I heard Y/N say. "He did that to her, cut me and ran." 

"We'll tell the police." I said. "Gabe, can you come here?"

"I'm not leaving my sister."

"Ok." I said. I heard the sirens coming. 

Chloe's POV:

"What in AGod." I saw the ambulances pull up. "Kelley?" I ran into the house. "Why are they're cops and EMT's outside? Holy shit what happened?"

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