There's a Room

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Your POV:

"I'm just saying. I think Jill is out to get me." HAO sighed. "Like she's slowly pushing me out." 

Julie was out with some of the team and HAO came to hang out. 

"I wish I could say you're being stupid but I get it." Someone knocked on the door.

"I got it." I stood up.

"Good cause I wasn't getting up. This isn't my room."

I laughed and opened the door. A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. "The fuck." I said. 

Kelley pushed me against the wall. "I'm ok with your relationship I'm not okay with that kinky shit." Allie said.

I laughed. "Same Kel. What are you-"

"Shut up." She said. She leaned forward and kissed me.

"Ok really you two? There's a room right there!" Alex walked by. 

I pushed Kelley back. "You okay?"

"Why are you pushing me away? Erin was right you don't love me."

"Hold on. What? I'm not pushing you away because I don't love you. I'm pushing you away cause we're in a hotel hallway and you have me pushed up against a wall. I do love you Kel. Why would Erin think I don't?"

She looked down. "Ok come on." I pulled her into my room. "HAO can you give us a minute?"

HAO looked up. "Yeah sure." She got up. "This isn't even my room." She laughed and left.

"Sit." I said. Kelley sat on my bed. "Speak."


I rolled my eyes. "Kelley. Why does Erin think that?"

"I don't know. She just doesn't think you feel the same way I do." She looked up. "Is she right?"

"No. She's not." I said. "I have a hard time loving people. Even myself. I've seen people who I thought loved each other hurt each other. I can't trust people right away. But I feel comfortable around you. I got to know the real Kelley O'Hara and I love her. Everything about her. Her freckles, her laugh, shit man I even love when she's a cocky little shit." Kelley smiled. "And her smile. Damn how could I forget that." 

"So you do love me?"

"Was there any doubt that I didn't? I'll start saying every single hour if I have too. I'll buy you cheesy, romantic shit too if you want."

"No don't buy stuff."

"Good cause we get paid like shit I can't even afford my rent." 

She laughed. "True."

 "Never listen to what anyone else says. Even your own sister. They don't know how I feel, only I do." I said and kissed her cheek. "I do love you. Fuck anyone who says I don't. Sorry Erin but you're wrong." 

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