Back to the States

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Your POV:

I landed back in Chicago and went straight to my house. My dad flew back home. I sat on my couch.

Forget her.

Move on.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "Fuck." I got up, grabbed my wallet and keys and drove.

I don't know where I was going, but car rides always helped me think. What was I thinking about?

How I could be so damn stupid! Why did I think I had a chance with Kelley O'Hara?

Why did I think I could be the one to change the player?

She'll never change.

I kind of feel bad for Ann. But I also don't.

That bitch stole my girl.

Wait what? 

She was never my girl. We went on two dates that's nothing. 

How long have her and Kelley even been together? Were they a thing when Kelley asked me out? Did Kelley cheat on her girlfriend with me?

I need to pull over my head hurts. I pulled over and sat in my car. "Damn it." I banged the steering wheel. "Damn!"

There was a knock on my window. I rolled it down. "Everything good here?" A girl asked.

"Yeah." I said. "Just got a lot on my mind."

"I understand completely. Steering wheels have feelings too though." She smiled.

I laughed. 

"Yay I made you laugh. So what's a pretty girl like you doing on the side of the rode beating up a steering wheel?"

"It's" I let out a deep breath. "complicated."

"I like complicated. I also like helping people clear there minds." She said. "I'm Eliza."


"Nice to meet you. Wanna go get coffee? Help clear your mind so you stop abusing steering wheels?"

I laughed again. "Sounds good."

"Alright. Um." She scratched the back of she neck. "Can I get a ride? I was out walking my dog when I saw you."

"Sure." I unlocked the door. "Hop in." She walked around and got in.

We drove to a coffee shop and got out. After getting our coffee's we sat and talked.

"What'd you do this summer?" She asked.

"Went to Canada."

"For what?"

"World Cup." I said. "Yeah I spent most of my summer watching soccer. And playing but yeah. You probably think that's crazy."

"No. I used to play softball. It was my life."

"Used to?"

"Hurt my leg. Got the surgery but didn't want to risk any more injuries." She shrugged. "I'm a writer now." She said. "Sports writer, story writer. I just like writing." She took a sip of her coffee.

"So you play soccer?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "Chicago Red Stars."

"Really?" I nodded. "That's so cool." We talked about our careers. "I think I found a new topic for my writing."



I looked down. "What about me?"

"Your dedication to this team, this sport, the growth of women's soccer." She said. "Now for the real stuff. What made you beat up that steering wheel?" She asked with a small smile on her face.

"Like I said. Its a long story."

"I like long stories."

"Ok. Well get comfortable."

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