Can I Play Now?

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Your POV:

"Come on!" Heather yelled. We were on the bench.

2nd half was underway. 0-0.

"Let's go!" Julie clapped. She was a little banged up, Whitney started. "Let's get it D-"

"Finish that and I'll murder you." I said.

"Damn." Mal said. "Senior national team is aggressive."

"Cause we is adults." Ali said.

"And the youth teams are small new born babies." Christen finished.

"Ali, let's go." Dawn said.

"When will I get a turn?" I asked Dawn.

She smiled and looked at me. "If we don't score, soon."

Kriegs got warmed up and then Carli finally broke through.

"Looks like you're staying on the bench." Julie joked.

Ali went in for Crystal.

Minutes passed.

Mal got warmed up, HAO got warmed up.

Then finally, the heavens opened.

"Y/N, you're up."

"AYE!" Julie clapped. "Freed at last!"

Carli gave the armband to Becky and walked over. "Wrap it up, loser." She said.

"Words of inspiration from my dear captain, Carlos Lloyd."

"Finally! I was gettin lonely!" Kelley said when I ran by her.

"How dare you Kelley! I thought we had something special!" Whitney joked.

Press came in, towards the end of the game.


We won our 2nd game at the Olympics. 


"Now we look toward Colombia, in Manaus. Finish the group strong." Jill said in our meeting the next day. "Enjoy today, rest up. Be ready."

The team went and explored. "What do you want to do today?" Kelley asked.

"Anything as long as you're there." I smiled.

"Oh how cute." Kelley said. "Will there be food involved?"

"What kind of question is that?"

We went out and got food. It was bomb.

Met some amazing people, some fans.


And then my mom showed up.

"Fuck." Kelley said.

"Hey mom." 

"Good game yesterday. I'm so proud of you." She said. "Kelley, how are you?"

"I'm doing great, Ms. L/N. How are you?"

"Fantastic. Kelley, call me Valerie. I know we got off on the wrong foot but can you blame me? I'm a single mother protective over her oldest child. She grew up surrounded by heartbreak, I want her to be happy. If you do that for her, you have my blessing. But if she cries one tear because of you, I will not hesitate to murder your ass, understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good!" My mom smiled. "Glad we're all on the same page!"

Yay! Mom and Kelley getting along hopefully! No murders.

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