Her Funeral

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Your POV:

We were out with the Aussies for one final time. Everyone was having a good time, but was still pretty sad.

"I mean I was sad about all of us not being around each other after this but now you're leaving early." Lydia said.

"I'll see you in Houston." Morgan said.

"Sadly." Lydia smirked.

"Yeah all you NWSL players are lucky. You get to see our American friends." Caitlin said. "Some of us are going back to Australia."

"You could've came back to Sky Blue." Sam said. "So that's on you."

"And you left FCKC after a season." Becky said.

"I never played!" Gorry answered. "I start with Brisbane. I get minutes. More than I got in America." She crossed her arms. "Speaking of Brisbane you joining or what?" She asked me.

"I don't know." I said. My phone rang. "FUCK ITS THE DEVIL!"

"Sunil Gulati." Kelley mumbled.

"If he paid us better maybe I'd like him a little bit more." Carli said. "Maybe. Probably not." 

"Hello?" I answered.

"Y/N L/N."

"Uh last time I checked yeah."

He laughed. "Look. I know that telling you to come home made this meeting seem scary to you. I didn't want to do that. So I cancelled your flight home."

"You did what?"

"Enjoy the closing ceremonies tonight, Y/N. Come home when the team comes home. Spend time with your family and then we will meet."

"Ok. See you soon." He hung up.

"He's gonna kill you."

"KLING!" Everyone, even the Aussies yelled.

"No." I said. "He cancelled my flight." I said.

"He did what?"

"He cancelled my flight." I said again. "My flight home tonight. Cancelled."

"You're gonna be trapped here forever." Sam said. "That's his plan. He's gonna leave you here forever." 

"No." I said. "He told me to enjoy the ceremonies tonight."


"Sam." Steph said. "Shut up." Sam nodded. "You're gonna die!" 

"Of all of the children, shut up." Hope stood up.  "He told you to enjoy and then what?"

"Leave when the team leaves, go see my family then we'll meet and holy shit I'm gonna die. He's gonna kill me! He's gonna fucking kill me! Mini I am taking you up on that offer! Brisbane here I come!"

"No come with me to Georgia!"

"IT'S TOO CLOSE HE'LL FIND ME! He'll never look in Australia!"

"Ok everyone I'll give you a few minutes just so you  can get your heads out of your asses!" Becky said. "Everyone good now? Good because no one is dying." 

"You sure?" Carli whispered. "It sounds like someone's gonna die."

"No. One. Is. Dying." Becky said. "Do I need to spell it out?"

"Yes but do it slowly." 

"I hate you sometimes." 

"So I'm not gonna lose my girlfriend?" Kelley asked.

"No Kelley. You aren't." Becky said. "And if he's letting stay and leave when we all do, it can't be as bad as you think." 

"Listen to Becky." Kyah said. "She's smart." 

"Thanks Kyah." Becky said.

I nodded. "Well let's get ready for the closing ceremonies!"

"Yes for Y/N's funeral!"

"Sammy oh my god! You're so annoying." Alanna yelled.

"Yeah shut up Sam."

"Fight me Kevin."

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