The New Girl

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Your POV:

I got dressed and headed to Eliza's house. Kelley kept texting me and I just kept ignoring it.

Please talk to me

I'm gonna tell Ann the truth please Y/N

I'm sorry

Stop ignoring me

I have feelings for you!

I deleted them and left for Eliza's house. I parked in her driveway and walked up to the door. Rang the doorbell and now we wait.

The door opened. "Hey. Wow you look beautiful, as always." She smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled. "Not so bad yourself." She hugged me.

My phone kept buzzing in my pocket.

I sighed. "What?" She said.

"Fucking Kelley won't leave me alone." I pulled my phone out. It started to ring.

"Let me handle this." She took my phone and answered it. "Hello! You've reached Y/N! She can't come to the phone right now, she's too busy moving on. You should try it some time! Good bye!" She hung up. "There you go." She said handing it back to me.

It rang again. I answered it. "Keep it up and I'll tell Press I changed my mind." I said.

"Y/N! Please I'm sor-" I hung up. I went to her contact and looked at the option.

Block caller

"I'm gonna go set up for dinner. Make yourself at home." Eliza said.

I looked back at the screen.

Leave me alone Kelley. I'm not joking.

I locked my phone, put it on do not disturb and walked to the kitchen.

Kelley's POV:
"Leave her alone? I'm not gonna leave her alone!" I paced around the room. "The fuck kind of bullshit is this!"

"Kelley." Hope said. "If you don't sit down I'm breaking both of your legs."

I rolled my eyes and sat next to Julie. 

"You fucked up, she's done with your shit that's it." Kling said. "Leave the poor girl alone Kel. Let her live her life."

"But I have feelings for her!"

"Should've thought of that before you lied to protect Ann's heart at Y/N's expense." Christen said. She put both hands on the table and leaned close to me. "Was breaking the heart of the girl you like to protect the girl you want nothing to do with worth it O'Hara?" She stepped back and walked away.

Kick her ass Press!!! 

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