Damn Sweden

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Writing my final paper, looking at grades I've gotten on previous papers. I always got great grades on papers, now they aren't good enough. Nothing I've done this year is "good enough" 

For this game, nothing is as it actually was. For starters, I left Pinoe off the roster and took HAO instead WHICH IS HOW IT SHOULD'VE BEEN! Also I'm starting Kriegs over Kling because we need a backline with Kelley, JJ, Becky and Ali.

Fight me hoes!

Your POV:

Pre game.

Locker room.

Warm ups done, jersey on.

Deep breath. Relax.

"We've played them before." Becky stood up. "Yeah it ended in a draw but today there HAS to be a winner. It's gonna be us." She said. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm liking Rio and I'm not ready to go home now."

I fixed the laces on my left cleat and stood up. "Captain Broon is preachin the truest shit I've ever heard. The US right now? Who wants to go home to that. That election? Gross." Everyone laughed. "And we are in RIO at the Olympics." I looked at Christen. "You ready?"

"Born ready."

I turned to Alex. "What about you Baby Horse?"

"I'm ready for that nickname to die." She got up. "Along with Sweden!"

Everyone got excited. "We are ready! I didn't make the World Cup roster." I looked at Crystal. "YOU didn't make it. But we're here now. We never stopped fighting for a spot since we found out we didn't make it last year. I want that fight to be worth something."

"To be worth gold." Crystal added. "Let's show Brazil why we're the best team in the world."

"And let's show Pia what she's missing." Hope smirked.

There was a loud crash and we all saw Jill holding her forehead. "Who put that door there and why?"

"Ok so maybe not ALL of us were born ready." 

The starters lined up and the rest of us headed to the bench. "How did we not make the cut to start? Especially after that locker room pep talk?" Crystal said.

"Who knows. But I feel a good game coming on. We're gonna come in when they need us." I said. "Trust me."

"I am. Don't make me regret it."

"What about me? When do I get a shot?" Whitney asked.

"You are a key player Whit." Crystal said.

"That is true. You know what else is true? Jill's a dumbass." I whispered.

"Preach." Dawn said sitting next to us.

I started laughing. 

The game started and we were crushing it. Lot of chances, nothing finished yet though. We went into halftime still tied at 0. I waited for Kelley before heading to the locker room. 

"You good?" 

"I wanna win." She pouted. 

"I know." 

"I wanna play." Christen pouted.

"I know." Tobin patted her shoulder. 

Jill tried to give us a pep talk but none of us were having it. She walked out and left us. We all looked around.

"Ok. My turn." Whitney got up. "The 11 of us on the pitch are playing great. The rest of us on the bench are help too. It's gonna take ALL of us to make it through this game. Just like last year. It takes all of us, even those of us in the stands right now. It's not gonna be 1 player coming up big. It's gonna be the whole team. Defense wins championships, strong midfields win championships, forwards win championships. We have Hope Solo in goal!" 

"And we have Tobin fucking Heath!" I added.

"Yes!" Whitney got excited. "Exactly. We have big names, we have a tight bond, we have what it takes to do this so I don't know what else to say besides let's get out there and do the thing we do best! WIN!"

Everyone huddled together.

Then we ran back out for the 2nd half. "Christen." Dawn stopped her. "I want you ready."

"Always ready." 

"You too, Y/N. If this stays scoreless we're gonna turn to the two people we know will score." 

I nodded. "You can count on us." 

"Good." She walked away. 

Christen looked at me. "Chicago crushes Sweden?"

"Chicago crushes Sweden." I laughed and we took our spots on the bench.

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