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Your POV:

May 13th.

The day we've been waiting for.

FC Kansas City against Portland. Kelley was upset that she wouldn't be able to watch because Sky Blue plays at the same time. 

Alex, Ali, Ash, Sam, Lynn, Christen, Casey, Alyssa, Oyster, and Rose were all playing tomorrow and were excited to watch this match.

Pinoe put her money on me and my FCKC family.

Even Kling put money on FCKC and she plays for Portland. She said that she'd do whatever she had to do to make sure I went up against Allie for most of the match.

I don't her if she threw the match just so I can get revenge, I'd kick her ass too.

"GAME DAY!" Sydney started dancing. "I'm so ready for this! Also, Dom said good luck to all of us."

"Where is Dom?"

"Sporting is in Orlando." She said. "And I miss him."


"No, I miss him cause now I can't force him to get up to get Cassius. I have to get him myself. You know how much work having a kid is?"

"I have two, Syd," Amy said. "I did what you're complaining about twice."

"That's your own fault, Amy. There are these things called condoms." 

"I'm so happy I'm a lesbian." I smiled.

"You're adorable." Amy laughed.

"I know. My mom also tells me I'm the cutest of her 4 kids. I was the first try and came out perfect, why'd she have 3 more?"

"So you wouldn't be lonely." Becky said.

"Ethan is 5 years younger than me. We never did things together my mom said he was too small." I laughed. "He still is, y'all see his chicken legs? Told him to not skip leg day." 

Kelley's POV:

"Alright let's get out there and get 3 points!" Christie yelled. 

"O'Hara I'm switching your position. I want you up top with Sam instead of in the midfield."

"Long live Kelley O'Forward." Sam smiled. We ran out to the field. "How's everything with Y/N? Still going strong?"

"We're stronger than ever." I said.

"When you popping the question again? I know the wedding was set for the fall, it's summer."

"I'm planning something. Something bigger than the last time, just to show how serious I am this time around."

"Can I stay involved in this? I love surprises."

"Whatever you want, Sam."

We got ready for kickoff. "3 points for us and let's hope Y/N has a good game."

Your POV:

"FUCK!" I yelled. "That's a foul!" I yelled to the ref. ARod got fouled but it wasn't crowd. The fans were booing. "Do your damn job!" I walked to Amy. "You ok?"

"Well, now I'm angry."

"Oh. You won't like her when she's angry." Yael laughed. 

The game continued and it was physical. Tobin was protective of Amy. When a Thorns player went near her, Tobin just went "NO!" and kept doing her thing. 

We got a free kick. Kling went near me. "Watch your back." She said. "Long incoming." She walked away. Even being on different teams, Kling still had my back. 

The ball was sent in. I jumped for it.

Kelley's POV:

We went into halftime up 1-0. "What's up with the FCKC game?" I asked sitting down.

Someone went to find out. 

"Oh shit." Sam said. 


"Well good news, FCKC are winning."

"Bad news?"

"There was some Y/N and Long drama." 

"How bad?"

"Y/N went up for the header, Long went in late, Y/N hit the turf, Long kicked her in the sides while she was down and world war 3 broke out on the field."

"Is Y/N ok?"

"Does this answer your question?" She showed me a gif. Long kicked Y/N and Y/N got right up and started yelling at Long.

"If that was a guy, he'd still be down." 

No one's POV:

"Lots of drama in tonight's NWSL games. Let's start with FC Kansas City taking on Portland. Y/N L/N giving FCKC the lead, you can honestly say this kid risks everything for her team. Allie Long getting a straight red card for a late challenge on Y/N and then kicking her while she was down. Y/N L/N getting only a yellow. We won't be seeing Long in any upcoming national team camps, that's for sure."

"Y/N is ok. We saw her with ice going into halftime but is expected to play the 2nd half."

"Sky Blue, Sam Kerr giving them the lead against Houston. Kelley O'Hara getting the assist. Seattle and Washington tied at 0 going into the 2nd half." 

Kelley's POV:

After both games ended, I got my phone and called Y/N. 


"How are you?" I asked.

"Sore but I'll live. You should see the other girl."

I laughed. "Looked pretty bad."

"It looked worse than it was." She said. "I knew she'd do something to try and hurt me. I didn't think she'd do something so stupid, though."

"Yeah, you did."

"Ok fine I did." She laughed. "I'm fine though."

"Good. I was ready to hop on the next flight."

"SO WAS I!" Sam came out of nowhere. "NO ONE MESSES WITH MY AMERICAN FRIENDS!" 

"Sam. SHUT UP!" I said.

"Damn Kevin." She walked away.

"Ok, Amy and I are heading out so I'll call you later."

"Don't you have your own place?"

"Yeah, but ARod wanted me to stay with her."


"Because ARod loves me. Ok?"

I laughed. "Well I love you too, come stay with me."

"Come play for FCKC and we'll talk about it." 

"Hard pass. I'm good here." I smiled. "Well, I'll see you soon."

"Alright. Bye Kel." 

"Bye." I hung up.

"Bro. You gotta pop the question NOW!"

"I'm working on it." 

The end is near but don't worry! I have a surprise when we get to the end.

A big surprise.

I hope you will like it.

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