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"We have a case" Bobby, the head of the police department said to the group of people as he slammed down a folder on the table. The group of people consisted of the two brothers, Sam and Dean, combat. Castiel, Dean's crush that no one knew about exept Sam. Jody, the depudy. Donna, her girlfriend. Charlie, the hacker/rainbow and Bobby, of corse. Dean took the folder and looked threw it.

"Thomas Spencer, murdered 3 people, likes to pick strippers, been on the run since, decided to spend a couple of weeks in a gay strip club" Bobby said. Cas looked down. Before he was a part of the team, he was something like a stripper. But he was forced to. When Dean's team was catching the guy who did it, Cas showed them that he was good in the field. So he went threw police school and got on the team with the people who saved him. Dean passed the folder over to Sam.

"I'll need, Dean, Sam and Castiel for this one, we will also have to go under cover for it so I'm sorry Cas, imma have to ask you to... Do what ever its called." Bobby said looking at Cas, a tone of sadness in his voice. Cas agreed to do it.

A few hours later, he was about to go on stage for the first time in years. He was waring a costume that only just covered him and it had angel wings coming out the back.

"Please give a walm welcome to the stage, Angel!!" the host shouted to the crowd who whistled, clapped and cheered. Castiel walked out on stage, one foot in front of the other. Cas was well built, not skinny, very muscular. He walked up to the pole and done a slut drop infront of it then slowly got back up. Meanwhile in the crowd

"You see Tom yet?" Sam asked Dean. Dean wasn't paying attention, he was too busy staring at the angelic creature on the stage, mouth wide open. The way that Cas's hips swayed perfectly to the music. It sent shivers down Dean spine. Sam turned to face Dean.

"Seriously dude, just man up and ask him out" Sam said. Dean tore his eyes away from Cas for a second to look at Sam. Then he looked behind Sam. Tom was sat at the table next to them with mischievous smirk on his face. Dean hit Sam's arm lightly and pointed to the other man. Sam nodded then got up. He walked around to the other side of the murderer and gave a nod to Dean. Dean got up and headed straight towards Tom. Thomas noticed this and tryed to run, only to run into the moose like figure of Sam.

"Ha- not today" he said as he turned him around and put handcuffs on him.

20 minutes later, Cas and Dean where lent against Deans car, baby, the cold night air glazing their faces. Cas shivered, still only wearing his costume. Dean looked at him, Dean himself was only on trousers and a t-shirt but not cold. He took of his shirt and passed it over to Cas. Cas looked at him questionably. Dean insisted with a head nod and raised eye brows. Cas rolled his eyes and took it with a smile. He put it on and smiled again, it smelt of gunpowder and whisky, like Dean. He turned to Dean and placed a small kiss on his cheek. Dean turned bright red.

"Thank you" Cas said quietly. He wrapped his arms around Dean's waist and rested his head on his chest. He could hear Dean's heart going twice as fast. Dean wrapped his arms around Cas and sighed. He loved being close to Castiel. Cas looked up to Dean and locked eyes. Dean's eyes flickered to Cas's lips then back to his eyes. Cas smiled then pressed his lips to Deans. Dean kissed back. It was slow and no words needed to be exchanged.

"Finally you idjets" Bobby shouted earning a punch on the shoulder from Jody. Cas and Dean broke apart, both with big smiles.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time" Cas chuckled

"Same" Dean said back, bringing his new boyfriend in for another hug since Cas was still cold. The car lights flashed as Sam came over with the keys in his hand. He tossed them to Dean then went over to Bobby.

"Finally" Dean said as he opened the drivers door, still holding onto Cas. He sat in the car with his legs hanging out the side. Cas got in to, straddling Dean. Dean smiled

"This is hot" he said, referring to Cas's clothes.

"I wanted to be warm, and your skins soft" he said running a finger up Dean's chest. Dean gulped and blushed. Cas locked eyes with the green ones again. He lent farward and locked lips with Dean again. This time, it was faster, both of them knowing that they will be doing somthing tonight because of all the built up sexual tention. Dean had his hands on Cas hips, rubbing small circles while Cas had his arms around Dean's neck.

"Sorry to interrupt, love birds, but I would like to get home" Sam said walking over to the car. Cas and Dean broke apart

"Cas is coming with us cuz I want to see some more of you know what." Dean said winking at Cas. Cas smirked back and traced Dean's abbs with his finger.

"You haven't even been going out for an hour and you're already talking about sex" said Sam, face palming.

"It's all the sexual tention that's been built up for years" Cas said.

Cas did go home with Dean. He did give Dean a good show. He also learnt that Dean his a very submitive bottem. He was a mess under Cas.

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