True Loves Kiss

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Cas walked across the road. He wanted to get some pie for his husband, Dean. The 3 Winchesters where on a case in a small town. The last thing Cas remember was bright lights. He woke up in a hospital bed. Dean was watching him.

"Oh, Cas, you're away" Dean said, hugging him. Cas gently pushed him away.

"Who are you?" he asked. Dean face dropped. Sam walked in the room.

"Sam" Cas said with a small smile.

"Who is he?" Cas asked him. Sam furrowed his eye brows.

"What do you mean, that's Dean." Sam told him. Cas put on his confused face and Dean stepped back from him, tears rolling down his cheeks. A doctor came into the room.

"Castiel Winchester. You will have some memory loss since you got hit in the head pretty bad. You're lucky that's it" he said and left the room.

"You don't remember Dean?" Sam asked Cas. Castiel shook his head.

"Who's Dean?" he asked. Dean felt more tears slip down his cheeks as he walked out the room. He went to the waiting area and sat down. He put his face onto his hands and cryed.

"Lose someone?" someone asked in a soft voice. Dean looked up. Infront if him was an old lady in a wheel chair. She was giving him a soft smile.

"No, not really, it's my husband for 5 years, he doesn't remember anything about me" Dean said, crying more. Sam came out with Cas's trench coat and ring. He passed it to Dean who took it with a small smile. Dean pulled his necklace of and slipped the ring on it.

"Stupid son of a bitch, I told him not to go out alone" Dean said, hugging the coat with a hand around the ring. Sam gave a small smile and patted him on the back. Dean decided to leave the hospital, not being able to stay in there. He went back to the motel and cryed even more. Dean didn't sleep or eat for days. The two finished the case and after a couple more days, Dean decided to go his separate way from Sam and Cas. He couldn't stand to be next to the love of his life when said person didn't even know him.

He decided to visit Cas in the hospital one last time though. He walked in to Cas's room. Cas looked at him as he entered.

"I want to give you this" Dean said, his voice shaky as he placed Cas's coat on the chair next to the bed. Cas nodded.

"It's probably a stupid question but can I kiss you? One last time?" Dean asked nervously. Cas gave a small nod. Dean leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to Cas's lips. He tryed to pull away after a couple of seconds but Cas kept him there with a hand on the back of his neck. The kiss aventually broke but their faces where still quite close.

"Dean" Cas whispered.
"D-do you remember?" Dean asked. Cas smiled and nodded.

"Your my hunter" he said. Dean smiled and hugged Cas. Cas pulled him on the bed next to him. Dean cryed happy tears into Cas's neck while Cas rubbed his back.

"I missed you so much" Dean said, sitting up. Cas wiped his husbands tears away with his thumbs and brought him in fo another kiss. It was slow and full of love. They broke away and Cas smiled at Dean. Dean pulled his necklace of and slipped the ring on Cas's finger. They joined in another kiss. Once it had broke, they both layed down in the bed. Sleep quickly consumed Dean since he hadn't slept in days. Cas kissed his head as Sam walked in. He smiled seeing to two.

"You remember?" he asked. Cas nodded.

"You could say it was true loves kiss" he whispered, looking down at Dean's peaceful face.

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