You Could Of Got Killed

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Cas, Dean and Sam had just got back from the hunt that they went on. They were in the map room.

"What the hell was that, Cas?" Dean asked, annoyed

"What do you mean?" Castiel asked innocently.

"You could of gotten' killed!"

"I'm sorry," Cas said cockily "I'll try not to next time" he started walking away but was stopped by Dean muttering something. "What was that?" Cas questioned as he turned around facing Dean.

"I said, one day you are going to get one of us killed." Dean said clenching his jaw.

"Get one of you killed?" Cas chuckled like a phycopath "Dean, if you haven't noticed, I threw myself in front of you today. I saved you." his face turned emotionless.

"But I didn't ask you to. Every demond carries around and angel blade. You should know that. I can't lose you!" Dean raised his voice at the end.

Cas walked towards Dean. Dean steped back until he hit a wall. Cas stood close to Dean.

"You can't lose me? Well I can't lose you Dean. I gave everything for the rightouse man. You Dean. I turned on heaven, my brothers and sisters. I even killed them for you. But when I jump infront of you, you tell me not to. You say you can't lose me. What have you done for me? Huh? Nothing. You have done absolutely nothing for me. And mabye if you opened your eyes, you would see why I do this all for you!!" Cas shouted.

He searched Dean's eyes for any sort of apology but he couldn't see anything so he dug deeper, reading Dean's thoughts.

He is so close. I could kiss him. He's just so hot. I want to rip his clothes of right here right now. Cas bit his lip slowly and Dean looked towards it. If he dose that again, imma have to kiss him. Cas leaned in so he could whisper into Dean's ear.

"You really think I'm hot?" Cas asked in a whisper.

"You really want to rip my clothes of?" Cas kept on. Dean shivered at the angels breath on his neck.

Cas placed a small kiss on his neck receiving a small gasp from Dean. Dean closed his eyes for a second and when he opened them he was met with blue. Cas smirked.

He leaned in closer, now only inches between them. Dean didn't hesitate to kiss Castiel. Pressing his lips to the others. Cas kissed back straight away. He had wanted this for a long time and by the looks of it, Dean did to.

They both had their eyes closed and were kissing slowly. Dean opened his mouth a bit so Cas could slide his toung in, which he quickly did.

Cas rested his hands on Dean's hips while Dean wrapped his arms around Cas's neck, getting his fingers tangled in Cas's hair.

Cas's hands moved to the back of Dean's thighs. He picked him up and slammed him into the wall. Dean moaned slightly and wrapped his legs around Cas's waist.

After what seemed like only minutes (really half and hour) they pulled away and tested their heads together.

"I'm I forgiven?" Dean whispered, breathless. Cas nodded before connecting their lips together again, in another long, loving kiss.

He pulled Dean away from the wall and walked down the hall to Dean's room leaving a very confused moose.

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