Dean's Dead

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Dean felt the blade go into his back. The moment of pain before he didn't feel anything. Sam shot the last warewolf and ran over to Dean. Dean was now lead up against a wall, blood surrounded him. He grabbed onto Sam's arm.

"I want to talk to him," he whispered. Sam wiped his teary eyes and nodded. He got his phone out and phoned Cas. He passed it over to Dean.

"Hey, Cas, I just wanna say, I love you so, so much" Dean said and passed it back over to Sam.

"Hey, Cas, Dean stole my phone" Sam said

"Ah, ok, I need to go, I need to feel Mary" Cas said and hung up. Mary was his and Dean's 4 year old daughter. Sam smiled slightly and looked back to Dean. Dean was now going pale and there was no life in his eyes.

"Dean?" Sam said. No answer.

"No, Dean, your not gone. You can't be" Sam said. He ranted like that for a couple more minutes, crying, until he realised that Dean was gone. He picked up his brothers lifeless body and brought him to baby. He layed him across the back seat and drove back to the bunker.

He went in, leaving Dean in the car. Cas was sat in the library reading. He looked up with a smile.

"Where's Dean?" he asked. Tears slipped from Sam's eyes again.

"Sam, where is he?" Cas asked, getting up, but with a bit of struggle because of the bump he had.

"He... He... I'm so sorry, Cas" Sam said. Cas whimpered and hugged Sam. Sam hugged him back, both crying.

"Daddyyyyy" Mary shouted as she ran in the room. Cas pulled away from Sam and scooped her up in his arms.

"Where's daddy?" she asked. Cas kissed her head.

"Daddy was working when an accident happened. He... He got very hurt and went to sleep" Cas told her. Telling his child that her dad was dead was the hardest thing ever. It hurt him more that giving birth.

"When will he wake up?" she asked, tears coming to her eyes. Cas didn't answer and hugged her tightly. She sobbed into his neck but pulled back suddenly.

"Uncle Gabe was teaching me how to use my powers" she said. Cas pulled his confused face. Gabe appeared in the room.

"I can get him back but he won't be with it. She can get him back and he'll be like he never even died." he whispered to Sam. Sam nodded.

"Cas, it's worth a try, I know we'll all be better if he is here" he said. Cas nodded and gave a small smile to Mary.

"You think you can do it?" he asked. She nodded. The four made their way to baby. The opened the back seats. Mary went to the side of his head with Gabe behinde her. Sam and Cas went to the other side. Mary put her hands on the side of Dean's head and focused as hard as she could. There was a loud gasp and Dean shot up. He breathed in and out a few times before recognising Cas. He flew to the end up the seats and hugged him like his life depended on in.

"What happened?" he asked once he broke away. Cas cupped his cheeks and Dean put his hand on top.

"You died" he said.

"How am I here then?" Dean asked. Cas looked behinde his hunter to the little girl with a smile on her face.

"Mary brought you back" Cas said. Dean turned his head to looked at her. He smiled and opened his arms. She jumped into them and Dean turned around so he was facing Cas again.

"Thank you" Dean whispered to her, kissing the top on her head. They slipped into a comfortable silence until Cas spoke up.

"Not trying to take your moment away or anything, but the baby want out" Cas said, pain evident in his voice. Mary pulled away from Dean and Sam scooped her up. A few hours later, Cas gave birth to a baby boy. They named him Henry.

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