RedBull Gives You Wings

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Like always, Dean Cas Sam and Kevin were in the bunker drinking. And as usual, they were joking about depressing matters at hand. But they didn't care.

Kevin wasn't drinking because he was under the age so he stuck to soda.

Sam and Dean found out that Cas, who was way over the drinking age, was a very light waight. Well he was after downing 24 shot of straight vodca all at once.

But it's was all for fun.

3 hours later, it was 1 in the morning. Kevin had gone to bed and now there was Dean Cas and Sam left who were doing drinking games. With shots. Again. For the 3rd time that night.

They were playing never have I ever. It was Sams go.
"Never have I ever went to hell." he said smugly knowing Cas and Dean both have. Dean and Cas both drank. Sam did too after remembering had had been to hell to.

Now it's was Deans go
"Never have I ever kissed a demond" Now Sam and Cas drank.

Now it's Cas's go
"Never have I ever died over 100 times" Cas looked over too Dean who drank.

"It wasn't my fault, it was that dick Gabriel" Dean said rolling his eyes.

They carried on until 3 in the morning when Dean found some cans of RedBull  in the fridge.

"Hey Cas, try one of these." he said throwing one of the cans to Cas who failed at catching it. It split when it hit the floor making the liquid go everywhere. Cas laughed.

"You're an ex-angel who led armys in battle but you laugh when a can explodes" Dean said smiling. Dean threw Cas another can. This time Cas caught it. He red the labes.

"RedBull Gives you wings?" Cas questioned squinting his eyes so he could focus on it better. He downed the can whilst Dean and Sam sang

"We like to drink with Cassie cuz Cassie is our mate and when we drink with Cassie he gets it down in 8!
1!" Cas slammed the empty can on the side then raised his hands in the air in a 'I won' way.

Dean started laughing at the actions of the cute ex-celestial being. Dean loved the angel but he wouldn't let himself admit it. He even hooked up with hot chicks at bars so no one would suspect a thing.

About half an hour later they finally decided to go to bed.

Dean had to help Cas to his room since he fell over as soon as he stood up. He helped walk Cas to his room and flopped him on his bed. He pulled the blanket over Cas.

"You have beautiful eyes" Cas staited making Dean blush.

"Oh my Chuck, you are so drunk" Dean said back with a smile. "Go to sleep, Cas" Cas smiled and closed his eyes.

Dean left the room and decided to ignore the compliment that Cas gave him. Dean went back to the kitch and poured another glass of whisky.

He must of fell asleep because he woke up again with a real bad headache. Sam walked in
"You look like you drank a whole pub" he said then went over to the cupbord and took some pain killers out. He threw them to Dean.

"I bet Cas has got the worst hang over out of all of us" Dean smirked. 4 hours later, Cas emerged from his room and went to the kitchen for some water. Dean and Sam were at the table giggling.

"Shut the fuck up" Cas said to them. Dean and Sam sat their in shock. Cas never never swore. Dean admitted it was pretty hot but he quickly changed his mind after Cas looked at him.

"You did not tell me about the side affects of consuming alcohol. So far I have thrown up and now I have a fucking headache." he complained.

"Do you remember anything about last night?" Dean asked.

"What did I say?"

"Whilst we were drinking you were saying how bad Meg was at kissing" Sam said

"Well she was a bad kisser. In my opinion, I was very good. She was horrible" Cas chuckled

"Oh, when I dumped you onto bed, you said I had beautiful eyes." Dean said with a big grin. Cas went a shade of red that Dean hadn't seen before

"I was drunk" Cas said as an excuse.

Kevin walked in a few mins later complaining that they were really loud while drinking. 

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